Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Organic Debate Continues

Scientific evidence or not, if we go back thousands of years when man was still trying to understand his own place on earth, Nature took care of everything. There were no synthetic chemicals, fertilizers or any of the thousands of chemicals known to man today. The World existed within its own massive permacultured environment.

Everything supported something else in its chain. The rain watered the ground, Photosynthesis produced the grass, the bovine ate the grass and excreted the fertilizer that fed the grass making it grow stronger, quicker and more nutritious.

Organic Fruit

Organic Gardening is not something new. It's how life began, it's simply duplicating in a Micro-climate what the world has been doing naturally since the beginning of time.

The debate about whether Organic Fruit & Vegetables are or aren't better for us is never ending. There will always be people who say they are experts at science or chemistry and will continually proclaim that chemicals are perfectly safe at "certain" levels.

On the other hand, Organic consumers will say that nature did not produce the chemicals that are applied to our plants and soil. They will say that everything in the world supports itself within its own environment an there is no reason to produce or apply synthetic chemicals.

Scientists will tell us it is purely coincidence that Cancer rates have increased at the same rate and time scale as the introduction of Chemicals for Agricultural use.

But the debate as to whether Organic Food is actually better for us is somehow clouding the importance of the Environmental side of the debate. In the end, there is probably an equal amount of nutrition in organic products as compared to non-organic products. The comparitive difference comes from the source of the nutrition and the way in which the body handles the disposal of waste.

Finally, I can not see myself putting my family at risk of cancer in the future by putting them in contact with potentially carconogenic substances today.

The Organic Debate Continues

Eric J. Smith is an Organic Gardener and passionate Environmentalist. He is dedicated to promoting the need for an Organic, Natural World. Find out more on Organic Personal Care Products here

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