Friday, September 24, 2010

Dried Fruit

Dried fruit is a very useful ingredient in some delicious desserts. It provides a concentrated burst of sweetness and can often help to further reduce the most stubborn sweet tooth. You can dry or buy your own dried fruit in supermarkets. Raisins, apples, figs and dried bananas, and other dried fruit can be used in a variety of ways. Here are some suggestions.

Substitute dried fruit, fresh

Dry> Fruit makes a wonderful addition to any recipe. Cranberry or blueberry muffin, for example, you can issue a replacement for dice. If the recipe for a cup of fresh fruit, ½ cup of dried fruit used fresh. Enjoy fruits in a little orange juice or water to rehydrate it .

Dried Fruit Trail Mix

The dried fruit is a great addition to any mix route. Simple sugars are a healthy alternative to candy andprovide a quick burst of energy when you need it. If you are trying the hike, you need a constant supply of food to eat to sustain your energy and stamina. Mix together the dried fruit of your choice with other ingredients such as snacks, cereals, nuts and cookies. Keep the mixture in the range, so it can footsteps of Munch.

Tasty cooking with nuts

They also have small pieces of dried fruit in the rich cuisine. Integration of raisins and choppedGo to couscous, rice, lentil soup or rice pilaf is a good way to compare the sweet and spicy in the container. Other dried fruits such as mango or pineapple work well in a variety of sauces and condiments. For tips on cooking with dried fruit, you can search online or look at cookbooks. Middle East Food is often dried fruit on their plates.

nuts are used as healthy snacks or interesting addition to your meal. Look for creative ways to cookDried fruit and you will be rewarded with good health.

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