Monday, June 20, 2011

Is Organic Fruit and Vegetables Healthier?

A study last year (2009) claimed that organic fruit and vegetables are no best for you than when grown conventionally. The study looked at a range of nutrients to see if there was any great inequity depending on how fruit and vegetables were grown, but surprisingly to many, they found no needful difference. There was a small inequity but it was not carefully sufficient to lead to health benefits.

The study led to headlines stating that organic fruit and vegetables have no health benefits, but this is something of a flawed conclusion. A crucial point that the study pointed out, but many news stories did not, is that the effects of pesticides and herbicides on non-organic fruit and veg were not taken into consideration. Many believe that this is the most leading factor in the inherent health benefits of organic, so without this being carefully it means that the study cannot give a perfect photo of the health merits of organic fruit and veg.

Organic Fruit

This brings into inquire how leading the study really is. It does tell us that there is no nutritional value is eating organic but does not tell us either there is any damage caused by the chemicals used to grow fruit and vegetables conventionally.

Is Organic Fruit and Vegetables Healthier?

A non-health connected benefit that some may point to is taste, with many believing organic has an benefit taste wise. This comes down to personal preference; some believe it does taste best while others see no difference.

Organic fruit and veg, as well as other foods, does in the main cost more than non-organic. But from last year's study, can we say either or not it is worth this extra cost? Well the nutritional value, that some previously believed significant, is almost redundant. So for those who pick organic for this surmise alone the respond is no, it is not worth the extra cost. There are three more factors that some will take into consideration, three things that population will have to make up their own minds about. Are pesticides and herbicides in non-organic yield potentially harmful? Some say that tasteless sense tells you that chemicals are unlikely to be wholesome and could be a health risk. Others though, would point to the fact that there doesn't appear to have been any damage from them in food in the past. Then there is taste, something that comes completely down to personal preference. And finally there is the environmental effect, and there is some evidence that chemical used to grown fruit and vegetables are harmful to the environment. How harmful and what result it has is hard to judge, and someone else thing that population have to make up their own minds about. This is an area that is leading to some but not to others.

So ample this study has told us about one area (nutrition) that is not affected by either or not fruit and veg are produced organically, but it doesn't give us an ample picture. Make up your own minds...

Andrew Marshall (c)

Is Organic Fruit and Vegetables Healthier?

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