Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Organic Fruits and Vegetables - The Real health Benefits

More and more, we are told of the benefits of eating organic food as opposed to chemically altered Gm food. While some researches show that there is microscopic or no variation in the health content of genetically modified food and organic food. We all know for a fact this is not the whole true.

If you look at the main differences between organic and genetically modified, basic coarse sense will be all you need to understand that there is a lot more benefit to be gained from eating organic food as opposed to its inferior counterpart.

Organic Fruit

To begin with, the issue of enhancing food with chemicals produces crops that are not only covered with pesticides but are bulked with water. This gives an unnatural increase rate and an artificial appearance that is not natural. Take time to search for all the hundreds of excellent veg in your local supermarket and you will know it is unlikely. If you have ever been on the continent, you will no doubt have seen all the remarkable misshaped fruit and veg. More to the point, non Gm vegetables have what is known as increased "dry matter" this means it is composed of more food substance and less water. This will help towards development up more of your daily reduction of minerals and nutrients.

Organic Fruits and Vegetables - The Real health Benefits

Another benefit for spirited non Gm Veg is the higher amount of phytonutrients. These are life enhancing antioxidants that are an integral part of the plants make up, acting as a defence against harmful chemicals and pesticides while it is growing. It it comes as no surprise that a plant allowed to grow without pesticides and chemicals will have a lot more of its natural defences (pyhtonutrients) intact, these of course will be passed on to you as you consume them. The more coarse phytonutrients are; lycopene (abundant in tomatoes), polyphenols (found in potatoes) and flavenols (to be found in apples).

Start eating organic fruits and vegetables and reap the real health benefits, right from your very first meal.

Organic Fruits and Vegetables - The Real health Benefits

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