Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Miracle Fruit Berry – the Latest Culinary Discovery Makes Sour Food Sweet

The Miracle Fruit Plant (Synsepalum dulcificum) is a plant first documented in 1725 during an excursion to its native West Africa. Local tribes picked the berry from shrubs and chewed it before meals. Miracle Fruit Berries contain a harmless active glycoprotein which temporarily gently binds to the tongue's taste buds, causing bitter and sour foods, such as lemons and rhubarb, consumed after eating miracle fruit, to taste sweet. It is extremely simple to use: just chew the fruit or dissolve one “tablet” on your tongue and the effect will last from 10 minutes to 2 hours, depending mostly on what you eat.  When the effect wears off, everything tastes as before (lemons are sour again).

MiracleFruitWorld was the first authorized distributor of Miracle Fruit products outside Asia. A constantly updated list of fruits, sugar free drinks and sugar free recipes is available at, Wunderbeere (German speaking) and Fruta Milagrosa (Spanish) sites.

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