When most people think of organic skin care, what comes to mind is the application of fruits and vegetables to the face. Some of the widely used vegetables are cucumbers and avocado.
I know this may shock you, but that kind of organic skin care is ineffective. Yes home made avocado face masks can help keep your skin younger looking, they can also help reduce brown age spots on your face as well as moisturize and nourish your skin with a several vitamins and minerals that are essential for healthy skin.
If avocado masks are so good for the skin then why do I recommend that you do not use them?
The answer is simple really...
I specifically have two reasons why I personally do not use homemade avo masks.
The first reason is that they are messy and I have to go through the process of preparing the mask. Now if you don’t mind the mess and have all the time in the world then an avo face mask will be great for you.
The second reason is that there are organic skin care products that contain not only avocado but many other natural ingredients that I can apply to my skin without all the mess and fuss of cleaning up after.
These products provide a more holistic skincare solution. They nourish your skin with all the needed nutrients for getting and keeping younger looking skin.
Another draw back of using home made natural skin remedies is that if they are not mixed in the correct proportions then they can cause irritations or even allergic reactions.
On the other hand organic skin care products, like the ones I use , are already mixed in the most ideal proportions and are safe to use not matter what skin type you have.
John Lexon is a dedicated researcher of important issues that affect skin and health. Visit his skincare website now at http://www.abc-skin-and-health.info to learn more about the skin care products that he recommends after extensive research.
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