“Organizing is what you do before you do something, so that when you do it, it is not all mixed up." A. A. Milne
In personal development growth occurs more easily when we create space to grow. In order to experience living beyond limits in business or personal lives we must rid ourselves of the chaos and clutter that keeps us clogged up. To change life and business begin by getting organized.
1- Know Your Top Priority Zones- Focus on 3 to 5. Top priority zones are the most valuable areas of your life. Consider the roles you play throughout the day. What means the most to you long-term? Examples are spirituality, self-care, family, business, career, home, education, hobbies, volunteer work, etc. To make the best time management decisions know your priorities. You will be challenged by a new opportunity. Does it honor your priorities? If not, say 'no' for now.
Under each top priority zone list the top 3-5 priorities. For instance, under self-care you could have exercise, take vitamins, eat 5 fruits/ vegetables, read for 30 minutes, and drink 8 glasses of water daily. The more you can simplify and get focused the better.
2- Schedule Blocks of Time- Blocks of time for your various priority zones give you time and a clear focus on the priorities in each area. Consider how much time you need and how much you can commit to each priority. When is the best time of day to schedule it so that you follow through? Customize your schedule to fit your energy level and personality so your time is used efficiently.
3- Now you can create your "to do" list or "toleration" list- What are you putting up with that needs to be handled. Get it out of your head and into a system such as a list, daytimer, palm pilot, blackberry, computer, etc. Plan to do it, delegate it, or dump it. What can you let go of? Give yourself permission to let go so you can focus on what will make the greatest difference.
4- Systematize- Create systems that save you time and make life easier. If there is an area not working for you chances are it is in need of a simple system. How often are you running to the store and what can you do to make one trip? When you buy something new, get rid of something old so your closets never get packed. How can you spend less time waiting in lines, managing e-mail, and handling paperwork? What marketing system can you put in place so you know exactly what to do each day. Create a home for everything so you know exactly where items go. Instead of items landing where they were left have a designated space for office supplies, a space for hardware, etc. Pick up more ideas at www.StartingNowCoaching.com .
5- Set Yourself Up for Peak Performance- Take regular breaks to rejuvenate. In the book the Power of Full Engagement: Managing Energy, Not Time is the Key to High Performance and Personal Renewal, the authors Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz suggest taking 10 minute breaks every 90 minutes. Get plenty of sleep and choose healthy energy sources vs. adrenaline for endurance. By the way...I hope you chose self-care as one of your top priorities.
Take a day off, get help, do what it takes to organize your life and business. Save time doing what you don't like and more time doing what gets you pumped. That's when you will bubble over sharing the special gifts you have to offer and we will all be better off. StartingNow!
Copyright 2006, Beth A. Tabak, All rights reserved.
Beth Tabak of www.StartingNowCoaching.com is committed to small business coaching & personal life coaching. She is also a speaker and columnist. Beth coaches big thinkers to move beyond limits, stand out in the crowd, and experience the vastness of their capabilities. Stop by to see all that is available to you and say "hello".
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