Of course, you could just buy a Fruit Tree Spray. There are many to choose from, and a fair number of them are even environmentally sound too. But, sometimes a little home-made creativity is just what the doctor ordered, and if you are stuck inside you can still be doing something positive for the garden.
This is an oil-based safe insecticide. The idea is you spray the whole tree, or as much as you can reach, paying particular attention to the trunk. If you spray the tree in Fall, you should spray an awful lot of insects which are seeking to spend the dormant winter months on the tree, waiting their next meal when the buds open in Spring. As this is oil based it is extremely long-lasting and simply smothers insects killing them before the tree becomes their next feast.
Organic Fruit
Homemade Fruit Tree Spray
Mix 1 pint of cooking oil with 8oz of liquid soap or insecticidal soap.
Bring to a very careful boil.
Mix again and bottle when cooled.
Mix with 20 parts water before spraying onto fruit trees, conifers and shrubs.
Oil based fruit tree spray is particularly good at dealing with scale insects, red spider mite, mealy bugs and aphids but will control many more besides. Be sure not to use in high humidity or excessive temperatures. It is best to use any insecticide either early in the morning or later in the evening. This minimises your chances of accidentally spraying beneficial predator insects as they are not usually active during these times.
How to Make Your Own Fruit Tree Spray
For more information about safe insecticide such as insecticidal soap and insecticide neem visit the links.
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