Sunday, May 1, 2011

How to Afford Eating Organic

I get asked this question often and it is something that concerns many. With so many toxins in our food and water we are all trying to give ourselves and families the very best that we can. But how do we buy organic? Given our present economic state many are struggling. In this article, I hope I can provide you with a reasonable option to provide organic food for your family.

First I'd like to explain how a single mom with little income can afford buy organic. As all you parents out there know we do everything to give our children the best. But maintaining a balance between finances and buying all organic can be difficult. I can, however, tell you that it can be done. As evidenced by my blog, I make all of my own products. I used to think 'I'm a busy single mom how on earth am I going to find the time to make my own anything!' The truth is that all of my recipes take such little time are easy to make and cost next to nothing. For example, because I save so much making my own tooth powder instead of buying toothpaste I can afford to buy organic fruit. Because I make my own dish cleaner I can afford organic coconut oil, and vegetables etc.. By now I hope you are getting the idea. In my experience once you begin this journey you won't stop with just making your own body wash or face moisturizer you will want to go much further.

Organic Fruit

One thing many people do is grow their own organic garden. Even if you live in an apartment you can have a small garden in pots on your patio or even a standing greenhouse in your living room. This is the best way to provide your family safe organic food. There are many great resources online or even at your local library.

Another option is to go to local farmers markets. It's really great to buy locally for many reasons: You are helping the local economy and make a connection with real people and you save fuel costs all around. Many local farms also offer pick your own fruit and vegetables for little cost. You will have to check that they are organic.

There are also CSA's (community supported agriculture) where you can become a member and you either pick up, meet at their roadside stand, or sometimes they will deliver a box of fruit and veggies that are in season. You can freeze or can your own fruit and veggies for when the season is over. CSA's generally charge for the year but I find you can usually work with them to pay weekly or monthly. Their boxes are generally for a family of four. If you are a single person or there are just two of you can ask your friends to split the cost with you. If you go to you can find all of these mentioned for your local area.

Some farms also offer a chance to live and work on their farm some provide meals while other you can have a share for your work but must make you own meals. Either way, this would be a great adventure and a wonderful way to be a part of your community.

Any way you choose to go is a good option. You just have to find what works for you. Healthy eating to you!

How to Afford Eating Organic

Here's to a healthy natural you!

~Miss Brittani

Recommend : kitchenaid gourmet essentials 2 quart tea kettle anolon advanced 10 quart stockpot krona-7.5 quart stock pot with vented straining