Saturday, April 30, 2011


Are you like me and are fascinated with the miracle of our natural world i.e, the beauty and majesty of our trees, the myriad  colours of the leaves in autumn, the shade they provide in summer, as well as create micro climates around our homes.

There is a resurgence and a revival in growing trees for:

 -  Locking up or sequesting carbon into the soil

 - As trees are the lungs of the earth, they mop up carbon dioxide, while   oxygenating  the air we breathe

 - Sheltering birds and other animals

 - Providing leaf litter in creating organic humus and top soil

 - Reducing soil erosion, and preventing salinity

 - Flowers that supply bees with nectar and pollen. These trees also act as windbreaks, and provide structure and framework to our parks and gardens. A passionate gardener, I am also a gardening columnist for several community editorials, and periodicals in my city. I am excited to share organic gardening practices, as it is producing long term benefits for us...

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Vegetable Nutrition - The Must-Know Facts of Organic Fruits and Vegetables and Healthy Eating

First, let's clear the way to understanding what organic is:

The discussion that has began long ago, and is now a very hot subject is the one about organic fruits and vegetables. Nutrition is a very wide definition, as well as health and diet, and for some reason, "Organic" seems to be a vague one as well. Let's begin now with a few basic definitions we all need to know so we can understand the "why" and the "how", in order to begin and maximize our health.

Organic Fruit

First of all, we must all understand that there is no definition of the term "Organic" as far a the FDA is concerned. Non was ever issued, and this authority has not much to say when it comes to regulating organic produce sold in stores. Instead, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) supervises the national regulations defined by National organic program (NOP), and enforces it according to the guidelines created by it's members.

The NOP definition of Organic is defined in a long text called "the organic foods production act of 1990", and in this 21 paged long document one can learn many a great deal about how things are theoretically handled in the U.S. The bottom line is that a state or even a private entity can receive the authority to hand-out "Organic" certification to farm owners that are growing their produce under the NOP regulations.

Officially, if there is an Organic label on the product, it is organic. BUT, if it is a sealed, processed product (notice i don't call it food...), it is only 95% organic. Does it matter? "what can 5% do to me? I've been eating "regular" food all of my life, why should i suddenly go from regular veggies to organic vegetables nutrition based diet???"

The must-know facts of eating organic:

The answer is yes. Organic IS better for us. In fact, it is the only food for us. As i have written in a prior article, the whole definition of "food" has lost it's original roots that were once planted deep in mother natures heart of soil, and have been re-rotted in a laboratory to achieve best monetary value for the owners of the land.

The real question in hand is our health, happiness and stamina. The basic most important thing we absolutely must remember is that in this day and age organic first of all means AVOIDING. It's avoiding chemicals we were never formally introduced with except through our stomachs. It is avoiding genetically engineered materials life never intended to create that have already proven to cause many diseases, Cancer being the most famous of them all. It's avoiding hazardous materials that are used to keep insects away. It's avoiding risk.

Health is natural. It is the way we are made. We are born with a system that knows how to handle a super wide variety of material. We haven't began understanding the vastness of this body of ours. Our body is capable of handling more materials at the same time and with minimum energy consumption then all world laboratories put in together. Put in petrol in a car that runs on diesel, and you get trouble. Put in un-natural material in our body, and i think you can guess where I am going with this.

A deeper peep into the complexity of food and organic:

As we have already understood, organic, being more about the NOT then anything else, we can look a bit deeper into the subject, again, not going to far as it is a never ending road. Amongst the many factors that effect the quality of our fruits and vegetables is the soil it grows on. When we read about the nutritional facts of a Tomato, for example, we might learn that a "serving" of a tomato has 15Mg of magnesium in it. We read these definitions every where on any product, yet how do the people that have written it know? the simple fact is they don't.

there are averages and out-of-date calculations, and many testing regulations, but the matter of fact is that we simple cannot ever know without specifically checking each and every piece of fruit or vegetable in front of us. In order for a tomato to have any magnesium in it, the soil it grew in must be rich enough in it to serve on the tomato. Not enough Magnesium in the soil, not enough magnesium in the tomato. as simple as that (well, a bit more complex than that actually, as there are more factors that help the vegetable to take in the magnesium...).

The point I'm trying to make by giving this sneak peek into the world of food growing, is this:

We can never know100% what is in our food, but we must do the best we can to know, and in this era it all begins in knowing what is NOT in our food (chemicals, genetically modified materials, etc'.)

so whether you are trying to lose weight by eating a balanced diet, or getting rid of a two month old cough, eating an organic fruits and vegetables nutrition based diet is the absolute ultimate starting point.

Vegetable Nutrition - The Must-Know Facts of Organic Fruits and Vegetables and Healthy Eating

to sum it up, health is an achievable state of being we all deserve, and it could be reached through a well balanced vegetables nutrition based diet. We can easily learn the bases of healthy eating in which is the authors' blog.

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Friday, April 29, 2011

Keep yourself Healthy With Chemically Untouched, Natural Organic Fruits

It is quite easy to find fruits in open market. We know the fruits come chemical treated at various stages. Most fruits we consume are grown and preserved with chemical aid.

Think how a fruit is grown in a farmer’s orchard. The plant is supported by chemical fertilizers. These fertilizers help the plants grow fast and yield more fruits. Abundance of pesticides and insecticides are applied at the orchards to prevent pests and insects. In many cases of mechanized harvesting, chemicals are also applied for quick falling of unripe fruits.

It goes without saying these chemicals ultimately accumulate in human bodies, causing several health problems at a later period.

Naturally occurring fruits are hard to come across and usually involves efforts from your own part to take a trekking to the wilderness. If you are at the local markets near hill stations of Kerala, your luck rate is higher to find naturally bred fruits grown in thick dense forests. Not only Kerala South India, but tropical countries of Africa are also rich source of natural fruits that are not contaminated by chemicals.

Wild plants generally produce lesser number of fruits and the size will also be smaller. Such fruits however have the advantages that they are never fumigated or otherwise chemically treated for bigger size, better taste or large quantity produce.

The grapes you buy from general market have pesticides on its skin. This pesticide is not quickly rinsed away. The result will be more chemicals in your body.

There are also scalable differences in the performance of naturally grown fruits and chemically treated artificial fruits.

While natural fruits stay fresh for a few days after falling down or harvesting, chemically treated fruits rot in a day or two. This is the same for all kinds of fruits.

Natural fruits tend to bear highly functional seeds. Most artificially cultivated fruits have seedless varieties or varieties with poorly developed seeds. The artificial fruits generally are in the ‘sterile’ zone. I.e. they are not capable of reproduction. All of the examples suggest that cultivated and chemical treated fruits are inferior to naturally occurring fruits.

It is not practicable for everyone to find naturally occurring fruits from the forests. The closest healthy alternative to going to forests is growing organic crop. Though the plants doesn’t get a wild environment where there is the right supply of temperature, water, bio-nutrients etc; chemical treating is absent.

No GM crops apply here. Organic food is fresh and doesn’t inject harmful chemicals to your body.

Vegans claiming to eat only healthy food do have a challenge before them to ensure if they are eating healthy fruits.

Dev Sri writing about Benefits of No-Chemical Natural Fruits is part of disseminating information about Ayurveda and Ayurvedic herbal medicine practices. Visit to find more about Ayurveda practices in Kerala.

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Organic Diet 101

When you talk of row food diet, you simply refer to an organic diet comprising of unprocessed or uncooked foods. They may include fresh fruits, sprouts, legumes, beans, dried fruit, seaweed, nuts, coconut milk, and grains. These types of foods have high concentration of nutrition.

If you wish to retain the nutritional value and the enzymes in the foods you cook, it is advisable that you control the urge to cook them.

Organic Fruit

Enzymes are of great help to the body as they assist in the digestion of the food and the absorption of water in the body. For healthy living the body ought to balance these nutrients. Cooked foods are in most cases unhealthy since heat destroys the nutritional value and makes the food poisonous.

Cooked foods are known to cause toxicity in the body. The opposite is true, that getting used to eating raw or uncooked foods often is a good way to detoxify your body. Such foods are good medicines to various ailments.

Raw foods do not have fats and have low sodium content and a greater percentage of potassium, magnesium and fiber. This composition of nutrients makes the body strong in fighting even the most stubborn ailments.

There are numerous benefits in consuming uncooked foods. As a fact, many people have shifted to consuming raw foods due to the many benefits discovered. Heath benefits are top in the list of those who have practiced this habit for sometime. Physical and mental changes have been noticed in the lives of those who have been practicing this habit.

Need more energy for your daily work? Then you need to try eating raw foods. Raw foods are also known to reduce weight while making your body strong in fighting diseases and sickness. Raw foods are naturally flavored making them perfect for the well being of the person. No artificial flavors should be added since doing so may hamper the proper functioning of the body.

Some raw foods have in particular sighted as the best in dealing with some conditions in the body. For example, eating raw almonds can lower cholesterol while raw honey is good at improving an athlete's performance. Carrots juice and dates are good in taming that sugar cravings.

Organic Diet 101

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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Simple Organic Methods to Combat Pests in your Veggie Garden

Organic gardeners always prefer to use methods that have the least negative effect on the environment. By growing strong healthy plants we eliminate the threat of having large scale pest invasions. But when some pest populations do build up in our garden we should be asking “how can I encourage more predators?”, rather than “what should I do about all these pests?”

For every pest you have in excess there is at least one, and probably many predators that would happily relieve you of the excess. Sometimes is takes predator populations a little longer to build than it does the pest it feasts on, so give it a little time before pulling out the big guns – insecticides.

Remember that ‘organic’ does not mean less poisonous and that most sprays are indiscriminate. Bearing that in mind, here are some organic ways to deal with a few persistant bug problems.

Bug Juice – A very effective insecticide. Collect an assortment of pests – grasshoppers are excellent – from wherever you are having pest problems in your garden. Liquefy them in a blender with the addition of about a third of the volume of bugs. Strain and dilute to about 5ml of bug juice per 1litre of water. Spray on affected plants.

Snails and Slugs. Fortunately there are a few easy ways to deal with these ravenous creatures as they can devour your tender seedlings overnight. Ducks are great snail and slug hunters and will delight wandering around the garden in search and destroy mode. The only minor damage you can expect is from their heavy feed, but they’ll generally not eat your greens as chooks would. Of course you can collect the snails and slugs and throw them to your chooks if you keep them – they’ll be delighted! The best time for collection is dawn and dusk when it is moist. You can also make this job easier by having cardboard or similar on the ground where they will gather.

If you don’t have chooks or ducks another method is similar to the bug juice above. You need to gather some snails and/or slugs into a container with some sugar and water. Allow it to ferment for a few days then place in the blender. You can dilute it with water if you don’t have much ‘juice’ and sprinkle it around problem areas.

Another method is to make a coffee spray. This works by spraying it thoroughly on and around the seedlings you want to protect. When the snails or slugs cross areas that have been sprayed they absorb the caffeine and die. Dilute one part strong espresso coffee to 10 parts hot water. When it’s cool, pour into a spray bottle and spray on plants that you want to protect and the immediate area around them.

Then there’s the time honoured traditional snail catcher – yes, the beer in the jar trap. Partly fill a jar with beer (stale of course, you don’t want to waste the good stuff) and lay it on its side where they are most active. They are attracted to the beer, get drunk and die. What a way to go! An alternative to this is vegemite dissolved in water. They are attracted to the yeast.

Mealy bugs look like white, fluffy slaters. They are sap-sucking insects that cause leaves to wilt and go yellow. You may find them feasting away on your fruiting plants and ornamentals such as palms, ferns, orchids and succulents.

They prefer the sheltered conditions of a glass house or indoors. Mealy bugs exude a sweet, sticky substance called honeydew which can lead to sooty mould fungus and ants (ants feed on the honeydew).

The best way to deal with them is to prune off the most damaged parts of the plant and then kill any remaining bugs by dabbing them with a cottonwool ball dipped in methylated spirits. This will dissolve their waxy protective coating, they will dehydrate and die.

Scale are sucking insects that feed on plant sap. They form in thick clusters on the leaves and soft growth of many garden plants. They also produce honeydew as a waste by-product of their feeding. Heavy infestations can cause stunted growth and wilting.

If you only have a small infestation you can scrape them off your plant with your fingernail or a toothbrush. Larger numbers can be sprayed with a solution of homemade oil spray. You can also use the oil spray to eliminate citrus leaf-miner and red spider mite. When you coat them thoroughly, the pests are suffocated by the oil.

Home-made oil spray.

1. Add 500ml of vegetable oil to 250ml of pure liquid soap to a bowl.

2. Mix together in a blender and then store in a jar.

3. Dilute 1tablespoon in 1litre of water. Spray, making sure you get under all the leaves.

Have kitchen utensils and a blender that are dedicated specifically for the purpose of spray preparation.

Use all sprays with extreme caution and do not eat from any plant that has been sprayed for at least two weeks.

Julie is an avid organic gardener and recycler, living on a small country property in South Australia. Her mission is to encourage as many people as possible to garden organically. Please visit her website for great organic gardening tips & info or Companion Planting Guide

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Adopting An Organic Lifestyle

What does it mean to you when people talk about being organic?

Living the organic lifestyle does not mean you just need to eat organically produced food, it is much more involved than that.

Organic Fruit

You need to consider the following five areas to truly adopt an organic lifestyle:

Buy Organically Grown Fruit, Vegetables and meat

It is getting easier every day for people to buy organic food and this is the usual first step towards an organic lifestyle.

The organic lifestyle was once the province of a select few, but organic food is now widely available and purchased in many supermarkets. Every day more and more people are moving towards the health benefits an organic lifestyle can bring to their family.

Why Not Garden Organically?

For ultimate control over the quality of your organic fruit and vegetables and the control of its cost, you need to include organic gardening as part of your overall organic lifestyle.

Organic gardening can be more involved and time consuming than conventional methods. But it is more rewarding and the taste benefits make it all worthwhile, together with knowing you are helping the environment by recycling household waste.

Take A Look At Organic Housewares

Surprisingly you will find that organic constituents find their way into other aspects of your kitchen too.

It is common now to see adverts for bio-degradable cleaning products, organic bedding, mattresses and organic cotton towels to include in your organic lifestyle changes.

Buy Organic Clothing

The clothes we wear too are affected by toxic dyes and processes. Organic clothing offers a healthy alternative for men, women and in particular, children and babies.

Our skin can absorb harmful chemicals just as easily as the creams and lotions we apply for good reasons. It is important to consider moving to alternatives as part of your overall organic lifestyle program.

Think About Using Organic Cosmetics

The cosmetics industry has recognised that it too needs to consider the effects of people absorbing chemicals from its products through their skin.

Consequently, you will now find companies offering products to fit in with an organic lifestyle that are free of petroleum by-products, artificial colors, preservatives, fragrances and other chemicals that may be harmful to our skin.

The organic movement is growing apace and is receiving more publicity day by day. The rich and famous and ordinary people alike are all realizing that chemical additives, preservatives and pesticides can all affect health adversely.

There are many more features and benefits you can enjoy if you choose to join the growing movement of the organic lifestyle and way of life.

Adopting An Organic Lifestyle

Virginia Louise has created a web site providing information about the exciting aspects of the organic lifestyle.

Visit her site and pick up some free mouth watering recipes made entirely from organic produce.

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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Making a Certified Organic Perfume

Perfume is one common item that people will be used by almost all of them. They love to use perfume to boost their confident and also performance. People will need a powerful, fresh and also joyful smell that will accompany them in their daily activity. There are lot choices of perfume that are available in the today market. They are difference in fragrance, smell and also ingredients.
However, the organic ones also become popular choices among any other types that you can find today. Making your own perfume is challenging and also easy task to do if you get the right method. If you can make it, you can use it as you perfume or you can also use it as a great gift for your beloved ones.
You can choose a lot variant of organic ingredients such as flower and also fruits that are easily find in your home. If you do, you will also need to prepare any other ingredients such as essential oil, water, vodka, carrier oil, glycerin, bottle and also unbleached cheesecloth.
First, you will need to make basic water of your perfume that are composing from flower blooms of cheesecloth and also water. Please leave it for about 24 hours and then wring it into the saucepan. The next steps, you need to boil and also evaporate it to reduce the amount of concentrate.
Moreover, you also need to create the alcohol based by mixing scented essential oil, vodka and also water. All of them are mixed in certain amount based on the total amount of the perfume you are going to have.
After those steps are finished, you also need to dilute the essential oil and carrier oil. It is needed to dilute to avoid any possibilities of irritation that you can get from the strong fragrance of essential oil. You only need to mix it and you already have your own perfume that is ready to be used.

Considering the organic perfume will be also great investment you can have for your healthy. You may also need to learn more about organic skin products that will also inform you about organic shower gel for your needs.

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Coffee Fruit Functional Beverages, What is a Coffee Fruit Functional Beverage?

The bazaar has a large sum of debate ongoing relating to the rather new candidate to the drink market. These drinks are being advertised as functional cocktails. What is the coffee fruit functional juice?

According to Wikipedia, functional drink explanation is defined as juice products that fulfill thirst, are non-alcoholic and quick to swig. They involve in their formulation non-traditional components, such as herbs, vitamins, minerals, amino acids or bonus fruit or vegetable untreated ingredients, depending on the function it is designed for, so as to give certain well being benefits that further than broad nourishment. Sports and performance juices, energy cocktails, prepared to drink (RTD) teas, enhanced fruit cold drinks, soy cocktails and enhanced water are examples.

Organic Fruit

A lot of different pieces have been intermixed into cocktails that fall into the functional drink arena. Sorry to say, scores of of these juices, in reality, are not functional potion fortified beverages. They have other sugars, preservatives, colors, etc. Yes, they may perhaps have the root components but they are clearly drinks. PERIOD.

By evaluation, the coffee fruit functional beverage has what on the whole of the other cocktails do not have. The cold drink has food-form calcium carbohydrate which has the vital, trace constituent boron and a homogeneous mixture of eight distinctive vegetables for a thrust of vegetable sourced antioxidants and nutrients. This gives a high ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) significance that helps lots of the body's vital tasks.

What's more, confined in this cocktail is a pomegranate powder from one of the earth's most prized fruits. The pomegranate is known to assist the human body with beneficial irritation reaction, antioxidant reinforcement and healthy circulation to the brain. There is even a patented botanical adaptogen formula that has been publicized to expand the body's resistance to stress and tension during human examinations.

This drink leads with the coffee fruit, which is besides acknowledged as the coffee cherry and coffee berry, is the fruit of the coffee tree. The finest means to illustrate the coffeefruit is that it is like to the sweet cherry. You hold an excellent fruit with a seed. Simply, by way of the coffee fruit, the seed is the coffee bean that is someplace we get our coffee. The valid positive in this potion is the proprietary blend of fruit powders and extracts that encourages healthy aging, vigorous cardiovascular function, healthy vision, and many more positive results.

Next, to make this juice truly exceptional, we blend into our cocktail a combination of other power stuffed fruits, such as cupuacu, camu camu, and acai. They are mingled into this cold drink which results in a coffee fruit functional beverage that may clearly govern the industry.

With merely 63 calories per three ounce ration, this drink provides the antioxidant equal of more than sixteen helpings of fruits and vegetable.

Visualize how you would feel if you had to consume 16 servings of fruits and vegetables everyday?

I am supposing that gobbling that much on a day by day basis would be somewhat a fete, not viewing the time, struggle and anxiety that would happen with that much chow. In contrast, with this functional beverage, you would only have to sip 3 ounces each day and you get the same advantages.

Coffee Fruit Functional Beverages, What is a Coffee Fruit Functional Beverage?

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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Organic Fruit Vegetable Diet With Fruit Juice Detox

Why? Because there's too much of stress in our lives as a consequence of which, lifestyles have changed and so have food habits. More people have selected fast food or junk food that does more harm than good. In such an environment, the body will not get any or correct nutriments and this can lead to sicknesses or medical problems like cholesterol, raised blood pressure, heart issues. The handiest way to fight it is by going on a healthy diet. Fruits are thought to be highly healthy as they can provide you with heavy nutrient elements.

If your diet is made of organic vegetable and organic fruits then it will right away become a healthful diet plan and you will not develop conditions awful medical problems like coronary illness, stroke, raised blood pressure, bone loss, type 2-diabetes, and cancer. Organic fruits have a high nutritive price, that may also reduce any chance of kidney stones. The only way to have organic fruits is take them fresh and you can take them whole or cut. You'll also do a little experimentation and change your ordinary fresh organic fruit like blackberry or banana into special nibbles or little plates and then you may add them in your puddings. If you are open to playing with organic fruits then these are some options that will not only keep your diet healthy but also add some tastes to it

Organic Fruit

1. A spread with peach and honey : Take a bowl and add one cut peach, half tiny spoon cinnamon and two spoons of honey. Mash all the three together employing a fork until the mix looks consistent in appearance. Serve it as a topping on French toast or pancakes or you may also serve it on grilled pork or roasted chicken.

2. Fruit slices : Fruits slices might be employed for making many dishes. One of the best ways to have fruit slices is by making a salad out of different fruits instead of vegetables. You can take bits of pears, apples, peaches and mangoes and then steadily brush them with some canola oil. After wards spatter some cinnamon and place the bowl in skewers. Grill this fruit mix in your over on low heat for around three to 5 minutes.

3. Tasty Fruit Salad you will need 2 cans of fruit cocktail or fresh organic fruits, if using the can version strain the juice out ot it, set aside. Combine one can of condensed milk, with one bar of low fat creamed cheese. Mix the cheese and the condensed milk in a bowl til creamy add the fruit, then chill for one hour.

4. Organic Detox with Juice, a safe way to detox! Many studies have been done on the profitable aftermath of juice fasting. We will increase our lifespan, treat bio chemical disparities, reduce our cholesterol levels, treat allergies, acne.. In juice fasting, by giving the body a rest from food and digestion, the immunity mechanism can concentrate on elimination of poisons, and help the organs of elimination, liver, pancreas, gall bladder, kidneys, viscera, skin.

An extended fast ( three plus days, the body will start to burn off and digest its own tissues by process of autolysis in a discriminate demeanor. It will first rot and burn those cells and tissues, which are ill, damaged, aged or dead ( cancers, gloomy cells, abscesses, fat deposits, and so on.). The stomach shrinks and becomes less acidic, along with less Acne attacks, fatigue, headaches, as the body eliminates its poisons. Organic Fruit and Vegetable mix such as carrot juice and apple's mix well together. Another nice mix is apple, celery and tomato. Fresh Organic Pineapples, are high in Anti-Oxidants and also mix well with fruits and vegetables for a Nutritive drink. In between juices, always use a 50/50 mix with water, to assist in flushing the toxins out. The most important thing here is to eat healthy and be healthy.

Organic Fruit Vegetable Diet With Fruit Juice Detox

More Healthy Tips and natural wellness ideas can be found at

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The Many Benefits Of Eating Fruits And Vegetables

It could be awkward to squander authority sometimes. You know when you have been exercising and ingestion right, but you just can't get rid of that last 3-7 pounds that appear to stick to areas like your midsection? If you go on an organic fruit juice diet for a link of living the burden will shelve right off.
Using fruits like watermelon and lemons, an organic fruit juice diet causes the excess calorie release preferred for the body to eliminate stored fat. Such a diet is worn evenly in Hollywood where some careers rely on looks. Fruit juice diets are also worn by professional bodybuilders and professional athletes.
For the ordinary someone, however, there wishes to be an understanding of a few principal principles to make a fruit juice diet work. If you have any remedial conditions you should limit with your physician before untaken on a fruit juice diet.
How Long Does The Diet Last? A fruit juiced diet can last some place from 3 time to one week. If you have never done this print of diet before I would try for two or three days and see how you feel instead of demanding to make it a week.
What Can I Expect? Juice diets, because they purify your body of toxins and chemicals so cursorily, can basis detoxification margin property. Around the end of the first day or on day two of the diet you may note that you have a headache, have a stomach ache, are tired, or are prickly.
Don't take any medication and understand that the side effects will not last long. Once most of the toxins are flushed from your body, regularly by day three, you should detect a seep in your credence, be sharper mentally, have increased energy levels, and feel truly good.
Vegetables Should Be Included Too It should also be known that organic vegetables should be added to your fruit juice diet. Vegetables commonly have a low darling contents and are required for your body to get the crucial vitamins and reserves it requests.
You can trust vegetables to make your juice or you can juice different types of vegetables individually. Some savor good and others not so much.
Try a few different combinations and see what you like. Just don't mingle the fruit and the vegetable juice because ingesting fruit and vegetables together can start a letdown stomach.
Don't Use Processed Fruit Juice! It is grave to prevent processed fruit juices that are laden with austere refined sugars, such as Juicy Juice, Hawaiian Punch, Gatorade, etc. Processed baby and high fructose corn syrup raises insulin levels, is acidic, can begin plague, can cause diabetes, and will shot into fat when it is not burned.
When you shock juice dieting you basic to buy your organic fruit and vegetables and juice them with a juicing robot at home. Or you can go to your district fitness food store, they will often have prime made organic juice free.
Nevertheless Doesn't Natural Fruit Juice Have Sugar? The sugars in expected fruit juice compound sugars and are laden with nutrients. Your body could also burn through a lot of native sugar if it needs too.
Can I Eat Any Food? Yes you can eat if you want to, but I would eat healthful and light. However, the juice diet will work best if you can abstain from food for about three days or so. Don't pig out on food when you are done the diet either. Eat small meals at first and work your way back to your desired diet.
Drink Water You should also embrace a lot of water into your fruit juice diet. Water is essential for hydration and cleansing.
Trying any diet to spend heaviness cursorily is senseless if you aren't expecting liability the work required for care the weight off when you are done with the diet. You can only do so by next a wholesome lifestyle that includes organic food and employ. Good luck on your journey towards vigor and wellness!

To read about the grapefruit diet and benefits of grapefruit, visit the Grapefruit Facts site.

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Monday, April 25, 2011

To Buy Or Not to Buy Organic



Organic Fruit

Berries; Buy organic strawberries & raspberries.

Blueberries & blackberries are good choices for nonorganic berries.

Stone Fruits; Buy organic stone fruits whenever possible. Avoid conventionally grown peaches.

Apples and Pears; Buy organic or minimally treated apples and pears. Buy organic apple juice and applesauce.

Citrus Fruits; Oranges and grapefruits-Do not eat the peel. Tangerines and grapefruits present the lowest amount of residue for citrus fruits.

Vine Fruits and Melons- It's OK to eat non-organic melons in season. However, melons imported from Mexico, especially Mexican cantaloupes (which are typically sold in winter months) frequently test positive for pesticide residues and should be avoided.

Grapes and Raisins- Buy organic when possible, or buy only non-imported conventionally grown grapes from May through late September.

Tropical Fruits- Bananas, pineapples, avocado, mango and papaya are consistently among the non-organic fruits least likely to contain pesticide residue.


Leafy vegetables-choose organic leafy vegetables when ever possible. Bagged organic salad greens and baby spinach are available year round in many grocery stores.

Underground Vegetables- Buy only organic Potatoes, Carrots and Radishes. They must come from certified organic farms that have been farmed organically for at least three years. Non-organic sweet potatoes and beets are an acceptable choice.

Onions and Garlic- Non-organic onions and garlic are fine choices. Organic green onions are better than the conventional version.

Cruciferous Vegetables- Brussel sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage and broccoli are fine non-organic choices with low pesticide residues. Remove and discard the outer leaves of cabbages.

Green Beans and Dried Beans- Organic green beans are the best choice unless you know that your farmer does not spray pesticides or herbicides. Packaged dried beans may or may not have pesticides or fungicide residues, but there is no evidence either way.

Tomatoes- When you can't grow your own, choose locally grown tomatoes in season. Organic tomatoes do contain up to five times higher levels of the cancer-fighting carotenoid lycopene, the chemical that gives tomatoes their red color. Choose organic Ketchup and canned tomato products whenever possible for the additional lycopene benefits of organic tomatoes.

Cucumbers- Buy organic. Nonorganic cucmbers are highly likely to contain pesticide residues and should always be avoided.

Winter Squash (including Pumpkins)- Organic un-waxed squash is better for food; non-organic is fine for ornamental. If you buy non-organic squash, avoid eating the skin.


BEEF - seek out a source for grass-fed or grass-finished organic beef. Organic beef means that no hormones or antibiotics were given to the cattle, that the cattle had access to the organic fields for grazing, and any feed was organically produced and free of animal by-products.

CHICKEN- Organic chickens are raised without arsenic-supplemented feed, without antibiotics, and without hormones. Buy organic chicken buy Rosie or Rocky Natural Chickens. Trader Joe's or Whole Foods carry organic chicken meat.

PORK- organic pigs are rare.


MILK - Buy organic milk exclusively. Choosing organic milk is the best way to avoid ingesting undesirable growth hormones through milk.

BUTTER and CHEESE- Buy organic, so you can avoid potential toxins concentrated in the fat.

EGGS- Pastured eggs are well worth seeking out if you can find them. Otherwise choose "Organic" eggs to avoid potential residues from arsenic feed, antibiotics and pesticides. "Cage-free organic" eggs are laid by hens that have some access to the outdoors, but because they are not allowed to have antibiotics, outdoor roaming is really not encouraged. Chickens that lay cage-free organic eggs and organic eggs lead nearly identical lives, so if there is any difference between them it is minimal. "Free-range" eggs come from hens that are fed conventional feed but are housed in sheds instead of cages and given roam to roam in adjoining yards. Shell color is determined by the breed of chicken. Brown eggs mostly come from Rhode Island Red hens, which are often favored by organic farmers. White eggs come from White Leghorn chickens.

SEAFOOD- Buy wild seafood. Avoid farm-raised fish and prawns, and avoid fish labeled organic, as it is likely farm-raised fish.

NUTS, SEEDS AND SPICES- Organic peanuts and peanut butter are highly recommended. If you eat almonds frequently or if you are eating them for health reasons (for example, to increase HDL levels) you should find a source for organic almonds.

Edible Oils- It's a toss-up. Organic peanut and canola oils are better for the environment, but health benefits are negligible. If you buy imported olive oil, it's unlikely to have been sprayed with pesticides. Organic olive oils are easy to find at most organic grocers and food co-ops. Do avoid all partially hydrogenated fats such as shortening or margarine, even from organic sources, as these fats are unhealthy in any form.

Grains- Buy organic rice whenever possible or buy imported rice. For other grains, buy organic if you eat the entire grain, feed it to children, or eat it every day-oatmeal is a food that comes to mind. Organic flour probably has no significant health benefit over non-organic flour, but if there is little difference in price, organic is better for the environment and does not support the farm subsidy system.

Snacks and Processed Foods- Read the ingredients list to see exactly what ingredients are organic, and buy processed food organics only when cost is no object. However, if the food is something that children eat a lot of, whether it's boxed instant noodles, breakfast bars, dry cereals, or cookies, it's wise to buy organic.

To Buy Or Not to Buy Organic

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Are Organic Foods Worth the Money?

Food prices have risen faster in recent years than ever before. As many of us are feeling the pinch, it is time to reevaluate some of our food purchases. The term “organic” has been thrown around in the shopping aisles like sprinkles on the jelly donut you’re trying to avoid. It seems like hundreds of new “organic” products have emerged, all with a price tag about 30% higher than the regular option. Is it really worth the extra money, or are we all being duped with a clever marketing campaign to get us to buy essentially the same thing for a lot more?
It is true that organic growing practices are a lot better for the environment. So if you’re swayed by that fact alone, go organic. You actually are supporting practices that benefit the environment. If you want to go deeper into the nutritional value of organic vs. regular foods, research is mixed on that topic. Some studies suggest a higher level of anti-oxidants in organic foods. But other studies have failed to find a significant difference in anti-oxidant levels. The nutritional quality of fruits and vegetables goes down as soon as it is picked. You could argue that a cucumber that was picked yesterday and sold at a farmer’s market has more nutritional value than one that was picked 3 weeks ago and flown across the country to your local supermarket. Overall, it is hard to make a case for organic fruits and vegetables containing higher nutrient levels. Both organic and regular varieties offer similar nutrient content and health benefits.
One argument that does hold some weight is the fact that regular fruits and vegetables are grown with pesticides and herbicides. There is residue from these toxic substances that can build up in the body over time. This increases the risk of cancer and can cause other health complications like fertility problems.
Apples, peaches, and bell peppers have consistently shown the highest herbicide and pesticide residue. The lowest on the list are onions, avocados, and frozen corn.
If you avoid the top 12 on the list of foods that have the highest pesticide residue, you can actually reduce your herbicide and pesticide exposure by 90%.
Here are the top 12 to avoid.
Bell Peppers
Imported Grapes
The best way to eat healthy without breaking the bank is to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and to be smart about the balance between organic and regular. Try to buy them in season in the location where you live because they will be fresher. If the organic is close to the price of the regular option, picking organic is better for you and better for the environment. In the case that the organic option is just far too expensive, try to avoid the top 12 with consistently high levels of herbicides and pesticides and you should be in great shape.
Another important diet tip for protection against unwanted diseases is to take a daily multivitamin. Combined with lots of fruits and vegetables every day, a multivitamin will insure you’re getting plenty of all of the essential vitamins and minerals that you need to feel healthy and invigorated every day.

For more info on the best multivitamins, visit Top Form Supplements

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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Avoid the Junk Juices and Buy the Right Type of Juice

What's with all the different type of Juices?

You only have to walk down the supermarket aisles to see the numerous brands and types of fruit juice that are available. And, confusingly, they all claim to provide you with unparalleled benefits: 100% fruit juice, added Vitamin C, preservative free, etc. To find out how the juices are different, let's take a look at the types of juices available.

Organic Fruit

Juice Drinks

These drinks, normally found with other soft-drink beverages on shelves away from the refrigerated dairy section, are not 100% fruit juice and sometimes struggle to be 5% fruit juice! They contain water and lots of sugar, additives and flavoring, and have very few nutritional benefits. They often have names that include "punch", "cocktail" or "blend". Definitely stay away from these drinks if you are looking for health benefits.

Long-Life and Short-Life Chilled Juices

These are the majority of the juice cartons you see in the refrigerated dairy sections and in the aisles. Both Long-Life and Short-Life Chilled juices are pasteurized, the difference being that the Long-Life juices have been more heavily pasteurized and can therefore keep from between 6 to 9 months without needing to be chilled. The Short-Life Chilled juices undergo a lighter pasteurization process and will keep for 2 to 6 weeks if chilled. Neither of these is freshly-squeezed juice. The juice will either be "Not from Concentrate", meaning that the juice was extracted in the country of origin, pasteurized and then shipped, or else will be made from concentrate that was shipped to the selling country. Either way, you will not get the full benefits of organic fruit puree juices since the pasteurization and packaging process means that a lot of the nutritional value is lost.

Freshly-Squeezed Juices

These juices are, compared to the other juices on the shelves, freshly squeezed and must be drunk within 24 to 36 hours. They are not pasteurized and retain many of the benefits of juice made freshly at home or in a juice bar. Make sure that the juice is cloudy since the cloudier it is, the more nutritious it is. Very clear juices have had water added.

Organic Fruit Puree Juices

So that brings us to organic fruit puree juices. Organic Fruit Puree Juices, made at home and drunk immediately, are by far the best of the juices. Organic vegetable juices or organic fruit juices are easy to make using a juicer or juice extractor. Though there is no doubting the safety of juicing inorganic vegetables or fruits, making your own organic vegetable juice or organic fruit juice brings a new level of taste and nutrition to juicing. Because the juice is made and drunk fresh, without need for pasteurization or packaging, oxidation does not destroy the nutritional value in the juice. That means you get the full benefit of juicing!

Avoid the Junk Juices and Buy the Right Type of Juice

This article was written by Piers Crispin, a convert to the great health benefits of juicing. Please visit for articles, and an extensive on-line juicer store.

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Organic Gardening Guide for Dummies

Many an organic gardening guide makes life more complex for the first-time gardener.  You will find this a sad state of affairs considering that organic gardening is neither for the birds nor for rocket scientists only.  In fact, anybody who can follow the following tips on organic gardening can discover the green thumb that lies in all of us.

Adam Faston is an organic gardening enthusiast and a lover of the
great outdoors! He runs a website offering Gardening Help on a
variety of different gardening and landscape related topics at:

Thanks To : all clad master chef 2 6 quart saute pan

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Weight Loss Benefits of Organic Dried Fruit - Good Snacks For Your Body

The amazing benefits of eating fruits are widely known. Especially when the fruit is organic, eating fruit can do almost anything from lowering the risk of cancer to helping with weight loss. Particularly when the fruit is nutrient dense, it sends a strong signal to the body that it is properly nourished. In a properly nourished body, leptin hormone turns off the urge to eat.

Studies have shown that organic dried fruit has the following benefits:

Organic Fruit

1. Increases energy level for activity and exercises
2. Reduces blood pressure because of positive sodium to potassium ratio
3. Lowers the risks of cardiovascular diseases
4. Keeps cancer away
5. Improves the HDL cholesterol level
6. Helps prevent diabetes
7. Delays the ageing process

Organic dried fruit offers luscious flavors and sweetness that satisfy the sweet cravings. The drying process of fruit expels most of the water rendering the dried fruit more concentrated especially its nutrients. For instance, the antioxidant power of dried blueberries can be four times higher than fresh blueberries. Dried and organic fruits are packed with vitamins, minerals, even vital enzymes, and polyphenols.

A February 2009 issue of the British Journal Nutrition stated that a study conducted to find the impact of eating dried plum concluded that its consumption slows the progress of atherosclerosis, the condition in which waxy plaque is accumulated in the blood vessels. The slowed progress of atherosclerosis also results in slowed progress of cardiovascular diseases and may even reverse the accumulation of plaque in veins and arteries.

Another study was published on August 2008 issue of Cancer Research. The publication revealed that eating dried black raspberries precludes the progress of cancer by restoring the carcinogen-altered and damaged genes into their normal state.

The following selections are among the highly recommended organic dried fruits for consumption as part of meals or as snacks:

1. Raisins - that are dried grapes, which bring benefits such as protection from gum disease and cavities, osteoporosis and macular degeneration. Raisins are also beneficial to the eyes.
2. Dried Apricots - its benefits include prevention of cataract formation, constipation and digestive conditions
3. Cherries - dried organic fruit like cherries make ideal snacks that benefit the body and health especially heart disease prevention and cancer prevention
4. Cranberries
5. Apples

The next time you crave for something sweet, why not have any of the organic dried fruit as snacks and benefit your body in more ways than you probably know.

Weight Loss Benefits of Organic Dried Fruit - Good Snacks For Your Body

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Buy your winter warmers organically

The winter months of 2009 were some of the coldest on record in the UK with temperatures often reaching records lows in various places and news stories of record snow fall also in full effect. These bitter temperatures often caused great discomfort for the masses be it waiting for the bus to work, standing on the football terraces or even just walking the dog.

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Friday, April 22, 2011

10 Good Reasons Why Organic Foods Are Beneficial to Both Your Health and Environment

A lot of people don't really know much about Organic Food and have no idea about the great health benefits that they can receive by simply including them into our diets. Not only that, a lot of people are unaware that the methods used during Organic production are beneficial to the environment.

So many studies have also shown that eating Organic Foods has great health benefits. The great thing about eating Organic foods though, is that not only they good for our health, but the methods used during Organic production are very beneficial to the environment. Here are some great reasons why eating Organic Foods is beneficial to ones health and the Environment.

Organic Fruit

1. Organic Foods help boost ones energy levels through the consumption of lower levels of toxins and synthetic chemicals that are harmful and that leave your body feeling sluggish and run down.

2. They help your body to be more resistant to disease because they have higher levels of the essential nutrients that the body needs to fight off infections and disease.

3. They are better for fighting a lot of the chronic health problems that seem to be on the increase in our society today.

4. Organic Fruits do not contain harmful pesticides, where as the average non organic fruit contains more than 30 different pesticides that are harmful to your health even after being washed thoroughly.

5. Organic Food Producers are held to a very high standard and are inspected often, so they have to live up to very strict standards and guidelines.

6. Organic Dairy or Farm Produce such as milk and eggs do not have the chemicals, drugs and growth hormones given to the animals, where as Non-Organic Dairy or Farm Produce do, and are passed on to human bodies when consumed.

7. Children can greatly benefit from eating Organic Foods because they won't consume so many synthetic chemicals during their most formative years.

8. Organic Farming is environment friendly. It does not consist of dangerous fertilizers and pesticides that are harmful to the soil and our environment.

9. They are not Genetically Modified. A number of studies have revealed that genetically Modified foods can pose serious risks to both humans and animals.

10. Organic Foods are pure, all natural and safe to eat. They are not loaded with potentially harmful synthetic chemicals, additives, and pesticides which when consumed are digested and stored in human bodies and are harmful to your health.

10 Good Reasons Why Organic Foods Are Beneficial to Both Your Health and Environment

For Delicious Organic Recipes and Resources Click Here.

Sandi M Lewanika is an Entrepreneur and business owner whose goal is to establish multiple online income streams. She has written numerous articles on various topics, and enjoys sharing her knowledge and passion for life with others.

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Buying Food From Organic Farmers

Are you interested in improving the way that you eat? If you are, you'll want to examine natural, organic foods. After a close examination, you'll see that there are a number of benefits to eating organic. Organic foods are available for sale at supermarkets, organic food stores, and online. With that said, organic foods are also commonly sold directly by the farmers who grew them. If you have local farmers who sell organic foods, you should consider doing your shopping directly through them.
When it comes to buying many organic food products, such as fruits and vegetables directly from organic farmers, many individuals wonder why they should do so. In all honesty, there are a number of reasons, as well as benefits to buying organic foods directly from the source. One of those benefits is the assistance that you'll be providing to local farmers. It's no secret that many farmers find it difficult to stay afloat financially. In fact, hundreds of small farms shut down each year. Instead of shutting down, many farmers are now making the switch to organic foods.
A large number of farmers, all across the United States, are now making the decision to go organic. Unfortunately, this decision isn't always easy. It can be costly in the beginning, as well as very risky. Although you may not necessarily think about it at the time, you can provide financial relief and assistance to organic farmers by buying their products directly from them. When you buy organic fruits and vegetables directly from the farmer or farmers who grew them, they're able to receive all the profits, not just a portion of them. In this aspect, you can consider buying organic fruits and vegetables directly from farmers your good deed for the week or month.
As nice as it is to hear that you should purchase some organic foods directly from the farmers who grow them, how do you go about doing so? First you should check out your local farmer's market farmer's markets typically involve the setup of stands and booths in or around your town square. Many farmer's markets in the United States allow a large number of farmers to attend and set up booths. Depending on your local farmer's markets, its size and who's present, you may be able to find organic food sold.
In addition to visiting one of your local farmer's markets to see if organic foods are for sale, you can also visit local farms in person. To help you decide which farms should be visited look for signs or advertisements in local newspapers. It's also usually easy to spot farms where organic foods are being sold because many set up roadside booths or have a storefront building on their property, which is usually easy to see from the road. If you do make the decision to shop with a local farmer, be sure to bring cash, as many small operations are not equipped to accept checks, debit cards, or credit cards.

To read about asparagus urine and growing asparagus, visit the Fruits And Vegetables site.

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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Organic Gardening - Don't Overlook the Ornamental Value of Fruit Bearing Plants

When growing fruit in your home garden or orchard, don't overlook there ornamental value. The cloud of pink blossoms of a peach tree to the blossoms of apple and cherry trees or the attractive edging that a strawberry plant can provide to your landscape. Growing fruit bearing plants as a part of your landscape can add beauty, interest, and value to your property.

Edible landscaping is a method of gardening that can be a rewarding experience. A great way to grow a crop of healthy fruits or berries while adding a personal touch to your landscape. Fruits and berries have there own unique characteristic features when included in a landscape garden.

Organic Fruit

Fruit trees can be an excellent choice of accent plantings in the landscape, if gardeners choose to feature them prominently, or grown as an accent along fence or wall. There are also a variety of fruit trees can take on there own unique decorative appearance when planted alone.

The use of large planters or attractive containers are another great way to feature your fruit bearing plants. A fruit tree is an investment and most will not produce fruit for at least 4 or 5 years, but once they start they are are able to provide a harvest for decades. When planting your crop, take the trees mature size into account when selecting a planting location.

Fruit trees require a lot of sun light and water, take into consideration the location before planting. For the best production of fruit the proper soil condition, one that retain the nutrients and moisture needed for the plant to thrive is very important, along with pest control. Fruit plants grown by organic methods control pests without the use of chemicals.

There is one interesting thing about some fruit trees that are classified as ornamental, they don't bare fruit. So if you are looking for a fruit tree that you want to grow for ornamental reasons, make sure it is an actual fruit tree. There would be nothing more disappointing than waiting to pick that first fruit after all the hard work you put into growing it and there is no fruit or never will be.

Another thing that needs to be looked into is the pollination of the particular fruit you want to grow, some are self-pollinating and others need another cultivar to cross pollinate with, this would mean extra work and the planting of another tree.

Organic Gardening - Don't Overlook the Ornamental Value of Fruit Bearing Plants

A environment friendly and healthy way of gardening. Organic Gardening is away of gardening in harmony with nature. Growing a healthy and productive crop in a way that is healthier for both you and the environment.

John Yazo

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Keep Your Soil Healthy: Use Natural Organic Fertiliser

The soil is the most important component of gardening. This is why it is important to know how to look after your soil when planning to put up your own organic garden at home. The better the quality of the soil, the more likely that you will be successful in growing organic fruits and vegetables, which is why it is recommended that you use natural organic fertiliser like fish fertiliser and seaweed fertiliser.

Are you looking for more information regarding fish fertiliser ?  Visit today!

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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Why Choose Organic Cosmetics?

You wouldn't consider a highly-processed, artificially-flavored applesauce to be as healthy as an organically grown apple, would you? Same with cosmetics. A beauty product made with synthetics, or even ultra-processed natural ingredients, is not good for your skin or overall health. Natural, nontoxic cosmetics are the organic fruit of your beauty diet.

Synthetic ingredients are not only harmful to humans and the environment, but are actually less effective than natural and organic ingredients. Pure ingredients from nature work with your skin and body to boost healing and regeneration.

Organic Fruit

What are Natural Cosmetics?

Natural cosmetics are made with ingredients from plants, minerals, and certain animal-derived ingredients, either untreated or treated with other natural ingredients. Pure, natural ingredients are minimally processed to preserve the natural benefits the ingredient holds.

While there is unfortunately no legal definition of the term "Natural" at this time, look for organic products to be BDIH Certified. BDIH is a well-established German certifying body with extremely strict standards on cosmetic ingredients, packaging, and production.

To obtain the BDIH Certified Natural seal a product must meet these requirements:

* Ingredients must come from a plant or mineral source
* Ingredients must be organically-sourced or wild-harvested wherever possible
* Free from petrochemical-derived or synthetic ingredients
* No genetically modified ingredients (GMOs)
* Ecologically conscious, recyclable, and minimal packaging
* No animal testing allowed

What are Organic Cosmetics?

Organic ingredients are those grown and produced in accordance with strict government-controlled standards --the same organic standards that apply to food-with third-party verification. Organic standards require no use of synthetic pesticides, chemical fertilizers, sewage sludge, or GMOs. Strict rules also apply to the treatment of animals and the environment. A truly organic product bears a "Certified Organic" stamp from an official organic certifier. However, in many cases, it is simply not possible to meet the 95% organic requirement to get the official organic seal. For instance, a natural sunscreen usually requires over 10% of titanium dioxide or zinc oxide, so the best it can do is be 90% organic. If a cosmetic contains minerals, such as titanium dioxide, zinc oxide, mica, or iron oxides that are used to give it color, these minerals eat up the 5% of allowable non-organic ingredients. In many cases, it's simply not possible to create a usable cosmetic or skin care product that is 95% organic.

Though BDIH is a natural cosmetics certifier, it does require product manufacturers to use organic content wherever possible (when available in sufficient quantity and quality). BDIH is responsible for creating the world's first organic body care certification.

What About Preservatives?

Preservatives play a very important role in the safety and efficacy of natural and organic cosmetics. Without a sound preservation method certain cosmetic products may grow harmful bacteria over time. But preservatives need not be synthetic to be effective. There are many safe preservation methods used in natural cosmetics. Airtight packaging, plant alcohol, and certain herbs and essential oils prevent bacterial growth.

Let's address the paraben issue. Parabens are synthetic preservatives that researchers suspect enter our bloodstream and mimic estrogen in our bodies. Phenoxyethanol is a semi-synthetic preservative which has become more widely used in natural cosmetic brands since more research has been conducted on the evils of parabens. Though some view phenoxyethanol as a safe alternative to parabens, studies show it causes damaging effects on the brain and nervous systems in animals. Even the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) data sheets show "chromosomal changes and genetic mutation effects in testing as well as testicular atrophy and reproductive damage in mice."

Ingredients to Avoid

An organic ingredient has to meet strict requirements regarding production, but organic skin care can still contain ingredients that are not so healthy. Get to know which cosmetic ingredients are harmful and best avoided, and always follow brands with full ingredient listings and clear safety policy displaying which ingredients they do not allow in their products.

Why Choose Organic Cosmetics?

Liz Thompson is founder and editor of Organic Beauty Source, a blog where she shares information on safe, natural beauty and personal care products, such as natural cosmetics and organic skin care. Years of extensive research on the subject of safe cosmetics and a passion for all things beautiful led this mother of two to create this online venue where the conscientious consumer can easily find products free from harmful ingredients and educate themselves in the process.

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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Organic Gardening - Nutrients That Will Have Your Tomatoes Thriving

Tomatoes are a favorite to the home gardener. There is nothing better than picking one that is juicy and ripe straight from the garden. Home gardeners take a lot of pride is growing the best in there neighborhood. Everyone seams to want to hold the bragging rights for there crop being the earliest, biggest and best flavor.

Tomatoes love a nutrient rich organic soil that is well drained, but retains moisture well. A good healthy soil structure amended with compost or composted manure will have your tomato crop thriving. They also respond well to organic fertilizer applications, especially phosphorus. An excess amount of nitrogen fertilizer can result in your plants producing extremely vigorous vine growth and very little fruit.

Organic Fruit

Having a good healthy organic soil structure not only will provide the plants with the nutrients they need, it will also help in the aid of insect and disease control in your garden. There are many benefits that can be had with a healthy soil structure. Take care of your gardens soil and it will take care of you.

If you don't have the available compost needed to add the nutrients needed for your crop, you can apply 2-1/2 to 3 pounds of a complete organic fertilizer, such as a 5-10-10, 5-20-20, or 8-16-16 mix per 100 square feet of garden area. Work this fertilizer into the soil about 2 weeks before you plan on planting. You can also side dress an additional nitrogen fertilizer, if desirable after the first cluster of flowers have set there fruit.

Organic Gardening - Nutrients That Will Have Your Tomatoes Thriving

A environment friendly and healthy way of gardening. Organic Gardening is away of gardening in harmony with nature. Growing a healthy and productive crop in a way that is healthier for both you and the environment.

John Yazo

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Organic Gardening Fertilizer

If you have a garden at home, you may be growing your own vegetables because you are concerned about the freshness and also the safeness of the ones that you can get at your local store. It should not come as a surprise that chemicals are used on fruits and vegetables that you may not think are safe for your family. Some brands and types are safe because they do not soak into the produce, but you can not always count on that for sure. You can grow your own vegetables, but you may need help with growth. In that case, to stay safe, you can use organic gardening fertilizer. There are a few ways you can go about this.

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Monday, April 18, 2011

Christmas Fruit Baskets - Some Ideas to Consider

Christmas is a day of both receiving, and of course, giving presents to your family members, relatives, and friends. When shopping for gifts to give this coming Christmas, it is but normal for you to have a hard time deciding on which things to give to others. Out of the few ideal presents to give this Christmas season, fruit baskets or gourmet fruits, are actually more unique and are sure to bring delight to their receivers.

By presenting your special someone, relatives, etc. with gift baskets, you are definitely adding to the food on their tables during usually 'sought after' Christmas dinners. Though there are many edible gifts that add cheer during the Holidays such as chocolates, candies, and champagne, those still would not beat the appreciation that you are sure to notice when you give fruit baskets filled with gourmet fruits to other people.

Organic Fruit

Today, there are a lot of vendors both in shopping malls, and over the World Wide Web, that offer various gift baskets that it may be a bit challenging for you to decide on which to get. Aside from considering those with price tags that suit your budget, you also have to think about the actual contents of the baskets, including the quantity, and the kind of gourmet fruits that come with the package.

Some shops specialize in offering organic fruit baskets that are able to bring joy to health conscious individuals. If you are one of those individuals who still watch their diets during Christmas, your eyes will surely light up when you receive baskets that are brimming with fresh fruits like pineapple, kiwi, and so on. The said fruits may be eaten as desserts, or may be added to Christmas dishes like baked ham, fruit salads, etc.

There are also some vendors who include gourmet fruits in their baskets for sale that are meant to be used as ingredients for fruit cake. These fruit cake baskets are usually filled with assorted nuts, oranges, apricots, and many more. Some fruit baskets contain fruits that have already been dried and are ready to be added to the fruit cake you are making. Some, however, also contain the fresh version of the fruits, which you can just dry by yourself in preparation for your fruit cake making session.

There is also a type of fruit basket that is becoming more and more popular: the Fondue Christmas basket. The said basket is usually a big hit during Christmas parties. Not only do Fondue fruit baskets contain gourmet fruits; they also include ready to serve fondue sauces. The usual fruits that are found in the said basket are pears as well as apples. Not only does having a Christmas fondue mean a fabulous dessert - it is also a special holiday activity that can be enjoyed by everyone in the party.

With the many types of gift baskets available in celebration of Christmas you may, at first, have a hard time picking out which of the baskets is the most suited to give as a gift. It is therefore appropriate for you to have an idea of the differences between the various kinds of holiday gift baskets, which can really help you in your decision making.

Christmas Fruit Baskets - Some Ideas to Consider

Whatever be the occasion, the Orchard has a wide collection of gourmet fruits, fruit platters, fruit baskets and special fruit that is not just appetizingly inviting, but is also visually and economically alluring! Go buy the fruit basket of your choice.

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Introducing Goodbelly(tm) the New Probiotic Fruit Drink Line

Tag:Food Trends?fruit?fruit drink?Foods Industry
  Introducing GoodBelly(TM) the New Probiotic Fruit Drink Line 
GoodBelly, a new nutritious and delicious fruit drink featuring powerful probiotics and antioxidant-rich fruit, is now in stores. New GoodBelly features powerful probiotic Lp299v which is clinically proven to improve overall digestive regularity and promote immunity. Your body is an ecosystem and a healthy digestive system contributes to a host of positive benefits for your whole body. New GoodBelly is available nationwide at Whole Foods Market and other top tier retailers. Visit us at
  New GoodBelly Brings Together Delicious, Antioxidant-Rich Fruit and Powerful Probiotics -- One of the Hottest Food Trends for 2008
  BOULDER, Colo., July 14 /PRNewswire/ -- Organic and Natural Foods Industry pioneer Steve Demos is launching GoodBelly(TM) -- a new nutritious and delicious fruit drink featuring powerful probiotics and antioxidant-rich fruit ( Probiotics -- which are 'healthy bacteria' that help maintain the natural balance of organisms (microflora) in the intestinal tract and have positive effects on human health -- are one of the hottest food trends for 2008 ( New GoodBelly fruit drink features highly beneficial probiotic Lp299v, which has been clinically tested and proven for 15 years to improve overall digestive regularity and promote immunity. Demos, Founder and Creator of Silk(R) soymilk, has been recognized as an industry thought-leader for decades for pioneering next generation foods that promote optimal health and wellness (
New GoodBelly is the first fruit-based dairy-free, soy-free, wheat-free and vegan probiotic product of its kind in the United States and is available in two product lines:GoodBelly Probiotic Fruit Drink
  -- New GoodBelly Probiotic fruit drink in 32-ounce quart size is a delicious and nutritious choice that can be enjoyed by the whole family.
  -- GoodBelly comes in three refreshing flavors -- Black Currant, Cranberry Watermelon and Mango -- and is available at Whole Foods Market nationwide beginning in July with a Suggested Retail Price (SRP) of $3.99.
  GoodBelly Multi Probiotic Fruit Drink
  -- GoodBelly Multi is a 4 pack of 2.7-ounce single serving fruit drinks featuring a concentrated dose of 20 billion live and active probiotic cultures, vital minerals and 100 percent daily value of 9 essential vitamins designed to strengthen and promote digestive regularity and immunity functions.
  -- GoodBelly Multi comes in three flavors -- Blueberry Acai, Strawberry Rosehips and Peach Mango -- and is available at Whole Foods Market nationwide and select natural products and grocery chains across the country such as HEB, Publix, Wegmans and Giant Eagle with a SRP of $4.49 for a package of four.
  GoodBelly is the first product line introduced by Steve Demos' new company, NextFoods, which is committed to developing and marketing world-class, functional foods and products with scientifically proven nutritional benefits.
  "GoodBelly is the next generation of fruit drink -- it's where advanced nutrition meets modern day taste. Your body is an ecosystem and a healthy digestive system contributes to a host of positive benefits for your whole body.
  GoodBelly delivers a holistic approach to wellness to health-conscious families by bringing together validated science and organics" states Steve Demos, CEO and co-founder of NextFoods. "Our star player for GoodBelly, patented probiotic Lp299v, has been tested and proven through years of research. Beyond that, it has also been proven on the breakfast table -- Lp299v is the probiotic strain in the number one selling fruit drink in Sweden for 13 years."

Food Trends,fruit,fruit drink,Foods Industry

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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Controlling Pests And Diseases The Organic Way - Companion Planting

Companion planting is used to help control pests and diseases the natural way. There are various plants that grow well together, some however, do not do so well together.

Maintaining healthy plants is the best way to avoid Pests & Disease. Soil Rich in Organic Matter is a great starting point. Companion planting is a great way of keeping the nitrogen level up in the soil. In the vegetable garden you can mix Legume crops such as peas and beans with root crops such as carrots. Alternate planting's between rows of carrots and rows of Peas or Beans.

Organic Fruit

The Legumes contain Nitrogen sacks on the roots, which will aid in the feeding of the carrots and other root vegetables as they grow.

Plants that do well together to fight Pests & Disease are:


Garlic planted near roses will help control aphids. Garlic is also valuable for repelling snails, and carrot root fly. Garlic in concentrated sprays have been seen to repel and kill whiteflies, aphids and fungus gnats among others with as little as a 10% concentration level! I have also used Garlic Sprays on Orchids without any problems.


Lavender can aid in repelling fleas and moths. Lavender also attracts bees which are feeding and beneficial insects. Dried lavender can repel moths. This is a great alternative to traditional methods and smells better too.


Marigold has long been used as a companion plant for its natural insect repelling qualities. It will help eliminate Nematodes from the soil & will also repel ants.


Mint is useful planted amongst Brassica's as it is known to repel Cabbage Moth.


Chive planted around the base of fruit trees will help prevent insects from crawling up the trunk.

This is just a small sample of an almost endless list of potential companion plants. The above plants are very common and would be found in almost every garden. The next time your planting out a new Vegetable garden bed, consider using companion planting methods to help control pests & disease in your garden.

Controlling Pests And Diseases The Organic Way - Companion Planting

Eric J. Smith is an Organic Gardener and passionate Environmentalist. He is dedicated to promoting the need for an Organic, Natural World. Find out more on Organic Personal Care Products here

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Organic Vitamin E And Vitality

Vitamin E: What is it? Eight molecules known as tocopherols are the components that make Vitamin E. The most biologically active amongst them are Alpha-Tocoperols and these molecules are indeed the most efficient in terms of the benefits they bring to the body.

Our body can absorb it with ease as it is fat soluble. It is also more stable and does not evaporates even when foods in which it is found is cooked.

The U.S. FAD (Recommended Daily Allowance) for Vitamin E is set at 8-10 milligrams per day (or about 15 IU) whilst certain experts advocate an intake of upwards of 1,000 milligrams for daily intake. (Dr William Shute for example, in The Complete Book of Vitamins recommends 800 to 1600 IU as a way to prevent devastating vascular damage and arterial degeneration in diabetes.

Vitamin E:

What is it for? VitaminE is an active player in the prevention of cell damage that often times can lead to cardiovascular disease and even cancer. It does so by preventing damaging effects of free radicals. A new survey from Yale University shows that Low levels of Vitamin E are thought to be linked with greater physical decline in older people.

Vitamin E and Diabetes:

Vitamin E as a treatment for diabetes has been found in a research lead by Swedish scientists. They recommend a daily intake of vitamin E of 200 IU spamming 2 weekly periods. The study showed that vitamin E can help decrease the requirements of insulin in patients suffering from diabetes. Breast Cancer and Vitamin E: In spite of radical advancements in various therapies, more women than ever are now being diagnosed with Breast Cancer. One method considered as a means to reduce the risk of developing this disease is the intake in proper form of vitamin E. This approach is supported by a study which shows that women with low levels of vitamin E are twice more likely to contract the disease than women who take the minimum daily requirement. The good news is that some of the food we eat is indeed a good source of vitamin E

There two classes of Vitamin E:

Tocopherol, the form usually found in supplements
Tocotrienol, found in food. For example palm oil .

Foods rich in Vitamin E are:

Oils: vegetable oils such as sunflower, palm oil, soybean, corn, and of course olive oil. Good sources of vitamin e are margarine, egg yolk, cheddar, parmesan, soya beans, chickpeas, olives, avocados, parsnips, carrots, tomatoes, red peppers, sweet corn, sweet potatoes, and watercress. Other sources can be found in goats milk, fish, whole grains,cereal germ and wheat, whole grain products,oatmeal, fruits, peanut butter, milk, vegetables and all whole raw or sprouted seeds. Whilst it is always better to try in provide your body with the "real thing" it is important to remember that there are organic nutritional supplements, which are a good source of the vitamin E not found in your foods.

Vitamin E supplements and all Dietary supplements are measured in international units (IU) .

So where does the world "Vitamin come from" anyway?

In 1887, Dr. Eijkman was in Indonesia to conduct research on the beriberi disease. He realized that there was a difference between the consumption of refined rice (which lead to more cases of the disease) as opposed to crudely milled rice (which did not). Years later(1911), Dr. Cacimir referred to his colleagues findings as "vita amine" to describe the compound that constitute the rice in its un-refined nature. Over time the two words were joined as "vitamine" and eventually the trailing "e" was removed.

VitaMan writes about health topics in, a website completely devoted to ORGANIC VITAMINS and information.

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Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Benefits of Eating Organic Foods

The benefits of eating organic food are plenty and that is why this industry continues to grow. Consumers want to know that they are eating foods which are very good for them. They also want to know that they are helping the environment. These are the main benefits that come from eating organic foods. Anything that is certified as being organic is at least 95% organically grown.

This means that no chemicals are used for them - not as sources of fertilizer, as pesticides, or as herbicides. That is important because such chemicals will end up remaining to some degree on these fresh fruits and vegetables. As we consume them those toxins enter our bodies. We are led to believe that they aren't harmful but consider the number of people with serious health problems in our society it has many wondering if this is they reason why.

Organic Fruit

There is no reason to consume such harmful byproducts when you don't have to. Organic foods taste just like those which do have chemicals so you aren't sacrificing anything by purchasing what is safer for you to use. If the high cost of organic foods isn't something you can handle then consider growing some of your own. There is plenty of great information online to walk you through such a process.

There are significant benefits for the environment when we eat organic foods too. This type of farming uses less fossil fuels in the form of petroleum. It also consumes less energy and those are resources that we want to be able to save. Supplying enough food for society is important but why deplete resources when we don't have to in order to get the same benefits?

The soil in which fresh fruits and vegetables are grown organically is also healthy. Too many times with conventional methods the soil is completely depleted of the nutrients it needs. In time this means that the food won't be able to grow there anymore. Then more and more farm land has to be cleared away from other types of habitats. This can have a negative effect on the various ecosystems that live there.

The water supplies are full of chemicals too from conventional farming methods. They wash into the lakes, rivers, and streams out there. Many forms of aquatic life including fish die from those chemicals. This results in the entire food chain of those living in the water being affected. Many other animals in these bodies of water feed off the fish. When the supply is low they can starve to death.

When it comes to the raising of animals for foods such as meat and eggs, conventional methods include using hormones and supplements. These can result in various negative elements getting into our own bodies when we consume them. Organically raised animals though only consume organic foods and they are never given hormones. As a result you can feel very good about what you eating.

The way in which these animals are raised is more humane as well. They have clean living quarters, fresh water, fresh air, and they are well cared for. Too many animals living in conventional processing locations are in filthy conditions with overcrowding.

As you can see there are certainly lots of benefits to eating organic foods. They offer us a very realistic way to get the foods we want without the harmful effects. By keeping humans healthier, allowing sources of aquatic life to be healthier, making sure the soil is able to continually grow our sources of food, and helping the environment there doesn't seem to be anything negative about organic foods.

The Benefits of Eating Organic Foods

Organic food becomes a good choice by more and more people. The Organic Grocer is an online organic food Sydney based retailer. They provide fresh organic fruit and vegetable. They delivery organic food penrith and organic food blue mountains.

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