Fall Fruit Tree Care and Pruning for the southwest
There are a number of things you should do to your fruit trees before winter to ensure the best possible production next season.
Organic Fruit
Organic gardeners should not purchase products that combine dormant oil with toxic pesticides. If you want healthy fruit crops, spray your trees with Neem Oil to control pests and diseases during the growing season.
Dormant oils are effective in controlling certain insects that overwinter as nymphs or adults such as aphids, whiteflies, scale, mites, mealy bug, some caterpillars and borers. This should be applied during the late winter or early spring seasons. Dormant oil does not kill mature insects it does prevent the larvae (eggs) from hatching during the spring season.
Also there may be variations in the best pruning methods depending on where you live. Start your pruning by removing any dead, damaged or diseased branches. Fruit trees need regular pruning and insect treatments to keep them healthy and by proper pruning and care will encourage optimal growth and most importantly a good healthy large harvest during the fall season.
Fig trees are productive with or without heavy pruning. Pruning fruit trees brings fear and concern to southwestern gardeners. Pruning and training your fruit trees are important to creating an arrangement that will yield the maximum crop of fruit. You can do finger pruning to young apple trees once the fruit is set.
Pruning tools should be disinfected with a 10% solution of bleach before and after use to prevent diseases from spreading to other trees that are pruned with the same tools. Pruning in the late summer or fall may encourage the tree to continue growing.
The pruning of fruit trees in early years is called tree training as you have to prune the tree so it is a triangle shape with a point at the top. This means that no part of the tree is blocking another part from the sun. The more sun your trees get will ensure more blooms thus yielding a higher output of fruit. Always remove any diseased or damaged branches, any crossing branches, any narrow-angle branches, and one of the branches in a fork.
How to Care For Fruit Trees
Paul Guzman is the author of this article you can get more free information about fruit trees by visiting:
Paul Guzman is the author: Check out his great free tips on gardening at http://www.guzmansgreenhouse.com
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