Why not try a juice clear out for a day or two?
3 stalks celery
1 whole cucumber
Handful spinach
5 leaves romaine lettuce
Add one green apple and one green pear.
Small piece of root ginger (enough to taste in juice)
Cleanses the digestive system. Good detoxifier.
First thing in the morning start with a green vegetable juice and then half hour or later, enjoy a large plate of melon or citrus juice and continue eating fruits until noon. If you are eating melon, make sure you eat that fruit on its own as it is a good cleanser and travels through the body system very rapidly and faster than any other fruit and is recommended by many juice experts. Once you have eaten the melon, leave at least 20 minutes before eating any other fruit.
Organic Fruit
At noon, drink a green vegetable juice - before you start your cleansing, do a forward planner. Make sure you have lots of fruits and vegetables so it would be beneficial to make a list of what you need before you shop. As mentioned above, always buy organic fruit and vegetables as they are less likely to have chemical fertilizers and pesticides and much better for you because none of the nutritional elements have been removed - therefore keeping all the enzymes intact.
Juice cleansing jumps starts a process that usually takes years to complete. Its not a way of life but your body can tell you how long it can maintain such a drastic step by making you very hungry - so you will have to stop the cleansing and re-start combining the juicing and eating the raw and living foods.
If you decide you would like to continue fasting for longer than a day or two, consult a health practitioner who is familiar with juicing and when you do fast, make sure you rest the body. If you feel you don't need to consult a practitioner the choice is yours.
Juicing is all about natural healing. Raw juicing replenishes lost vitamins, minerals and trace elements and it also helps to avoid degenerative diseases as well as energize, rejuvenate and regenerate your body.
Uterine Fibroids - Feel Healthy - Have a Juice Clear Out
Thanks To : le creuset enameled cast iron 9 skillet all clad copper core 12 fry pan
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