Is it organic food always really a better option for your health than conventional food? Ok, so I think the reason why the majority of people buy organic food is, of course, because they want food free of strange chemicals, pesticides and similar. And that's a very very good reason.
But, there is another factor implied in the question of organically grown food:traditional intensive agriculture impacts heavily the soil. That causes a poorer microbial activity (bacteria and fungi) and as result the plants get less micro nutrients that you can eat. Less micro nutrients means less:
Organic Fruit
vitamins minerals antioxidants So, to pay a little bit more to get organic grown food usually worth it. But you may find out that sometimes the food you find in your grocery,even if is not labeled as organic, in fact it could be very close to it.
What do I mean by that? Simple, if the food is coming from the local small farm, it is very likely that the farmer is using far less chemical aids to grow his crops. So if it is not really organic, maybe it is very close to it. And, maybe, the only reason why it is not labelled as "organic" is because the local farmer has not gotten yet the legal requirement to do that.
To conclude, if the organic food you find in your store is coming from half way around the globe it worth a try to choose the local one. Try to talk with the local farmers and you'll have a clearer idea of what I'm talking about.
Organic Or Non Organic?
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