Thursday, January 27, 2011

Controlling Pests And Diseases The Organic Way - Crop Rotation

It is obvious that Pests & Diseases are found in every garden. Unfortunately, in reality we will never be able to get rid of every nasty entirely. What we need to do is be smart about how we manage them. Creating a balanced garden environment where natural checks and balances greatly reduce the likelihood of a major problem in an Organic Garden.

One of the biggest ways we can reduce Pests and diseases in the garden is through Crop rotation.

When the same plant is repeatedly grown in the same garden bed, pests and disease build up an immunity that enables them to survive within situations that would otherwise have killed them off.

Different crops of vegetables are moved through a series of beds in a logical sequence. This reduces the likelihood of a build up of pests and disease.

I recommend rotating between 5 Garden beds.

Bed 1 (Rotated to Bed 2)

Legume Crops: - Pease & Beans of all types.

Bed 2 (Rotated to Bed 3)

Root Crops: - Potatoes, Onions, Carrots & Beetroot

Bed 3 (Rotated to Bed 4)

Fruit Bearing Crops: - Tomatoes, Eggplant, Capsicum

Bed 4 (Rotated to Bed 5)

Foliage Crops: - Silverbeet, Pumpkin & Other Cucurbits

Bed 5 (Rotated to Bed 1)

Brassicas: - Cauliflower, Cabbages, Broccoli

This process should be rotated continuously throughout each season.

Legumes (Peas, Beans etc) have nitrogen producing nodules on their roots. This repairs depleted nitrogen from the soil. Legumes should always be cut off at ground level or dug under when the crops have finished.

Brassicas (cabbage, broccoli etc), on the other hand require that much nitrogen to grow, they actually deplete the soil from available nitrogen. Adding Brassicas to a Legume Bed is ideal. It would also be a good idea to grow a green manure crop (A legume crop that is dug under instead of harvested) during any off season in a brassica bed.

Eric J. Smith is an Organic Gardener and passionate Environmentalist. He is dedicated to promoting the need for an Organic, Natural World. Find out more on Organic Personal Care Products here

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