As we all know, increasing fuel costs are pushing prices higher and higher on just about everything. So, many Americans are looking for ways to save money and are wondering if buying organic products is within their budget.
Using organic products reduces the toxic stress on our bodies and the environment. Not to mention, that most organic products are of higher quality, with more nutrients in food and less fillers in household products. Ultimately, purchasing organic is the best choice and investment to make for your health and the health of the planet.
Organic Fruit
Before you make a rash decision to choose lower quality products because the price tag is less, consider these 6 great ways to make buying organic products more affordable.
Buy fruits and vegetables that are in season. For example, fruit such as strawberries are typically more expensive when they make their first appearance in stores. Wait a few weeks to a month, and you'll notice prices dropping. If you can't buy all organic, choose organic products that your family eats the most. If your family eats a lot of fruit but doesn't use a lot of condiments, buy the organic fruit and forgo the organic condiments. Then, your getting the maximum benefit of nutrition and avoiding the most toxins. Buy locally raised organic produce and meat by supporting farmers markets and seeking out local ranchers that raise free range animals. Here you are eliminating the "middle man". Plus, the shelf life on your food will be longer and the nutritional value will be greater. Join food coops and wholesale buying clubs. Membership clubs can be a great way to maximize convenience as some carry a variety of household necessities and deliver to your door. They are also a smart decision because the savings and benefits really add up. Buy in bulk. Many health food stores and food coops offer discounts on bulk purchases. In my family, we use a lot of almond milk, so I buy it by the case and save 10%. Flours, grains, nuts and beans are just a few things that you can buy in bulk and save over prepackaged options. Avoid buying processed, refined foods like cookies, candy, chips and frozen pizzas. These prepackaged treats are spendy, and their nutritional value is typically less than treats you can make at home from scratch. So, spend your money on whole foods like fruit, vegetables and non-refined grains.
Organic or sustainably raised products are typically of higher quality than non-organic or non-sustainable products, because the sustainable industry standards are higher. There are of course exceptions to everything, so be a wise shopper by reading labels and by knowing which companies promote sustain ablility, quality and integrity.
Avoid ill-health for yourself, your family, your pets and your environment and buy quality organic products. Improved health will save you time, money and grief and will give you quality of life for the future.
6 Great Ways to Make Buying Organic Products More Affordable
Kelly Hoffman has 10 years of study in natural health. On her website, she shares eye-opening health lessons and also how to save money on top of the line natural health products. For more information, click HERE
"I think it is so important to share experiences. It might just be that one friend, relative or testimonial that helps, teaches or supports someone to better health without drugs or surgery."
Kelly Hoffman, The Natural Health Girl
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