With the organic movement's rise in popularity, we've seen a new approach in taking care of our lawns and gardens. Gone are the days of using chemically-based weed and feed products. What we have is a desire is to take care of our lawns and gardens naturally. The same can also be true of our desire to care for our trees and vineyards.
With numerous studies demonstrating the harmful effects of pesticides and chemicals, it is only appropriate that we deviate from the use of them and turn to other alternative ways of growing and fertilizing our soil, plants and trees. Just like the plants in our gardens, our fruit trees also need a natural fertilizer to help maintain and produce the best fruit possible.
If you've noticed patches of dead tissue on small or yellowish leaves, or deformed fruit, then it's safe to say that your trees are suffering from a nutrient deficiency. Because no tree or lot of soil is alike, I've found that the key to growing beautiful, nutrient-rich fruit is using a natural fertilizer. It doesn't matter if they are young or old, apple or pear trees, regardless of their current situation, they will need some additional help from you in the form of a natural fertilizer. (Remember, at the end of the day, our desire is for our fruit to be free from hazardous chemicals and pesticides!)
Usually proficient at evaluating their garden's soil, seasoned gardeners figure out what the soil needs and then apply a natural compost or natural fertilizer to make up for what the soil lacks. Well, the same can be true of the way in which we take care of our trees. We first figure out what it is our trees lack and then, once we know their deficiencies, we provide them with a nutrient-rich natural fertilizer.
In some areas, the soil may be deficient of phosphate or potassium, or maybe even nitrogen. Whatever the case may be, a dose of compost or naturally decaying materials will help overcome these deficiencies, and the results will be better soil quality, stronger roots, and of course, what you hope for, better, more nutritious fruit.
By using a natural fertilizer on your trees or vineyards, you are providing essential vitamins and minerals which act as natural growth regulators. Allowing previously unavailable nutrients to enter the roots of the tree can also stimulate new roots, firmly rooting the tree in the soil and giving it access to a deep source of moisture (especially important during a drought).
Natural fertilizers can be worked into the soil around fruit trees by digging holes around the whole tree. Once you've dug holes, pack with them with compost or a natural fertilizer and then cover. Dispensing fertilizer or compost to the root of the tree helps achieve overall tree health. You can also apply a compost or natural fertilizer around the top 2 or 3 inches of the soil, surrounding the trunk area, supplying essential nutrients for the best overall growth.
With a little work of naturally fertilizing your trees, you can take full advantage of enjoying nutrient-rich, healthy, and chemical-free fruit that you and your whole family can enjoy. Why settle for anything less?
Christopher A. Williams (aka Natural Fertilizer Guy) edits the website: http://www.safe-fertilizer-reviews.com/articles.html
The website contains articles about natural fertilizers and seaweed based fertilizers, as well as general natural gardening tips.
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