It is well worth buying a juicer whether you're on a detox or not, for the mega doses of vitamins and minerals that fresh juice can deliver in one hit. You will not get the same benefits from shop-bought 'freshly squeezed' juices; orange juice, for example, starts to lose its vitamin content seven minutes after being squeezed.
Have fun experimenting
You don't get all the fiber of the fruit and veg when you juice them, but the vitamin content is more than you would get otherwise because - let's face it - who would eat eight oranges in one sitting? Not many of us, but a large glass of juice might contain the juice of eight oranges.
Buy a juicer with a removable filter so you don't have to clean the whole mechanism every time. Buy organic fruit and vegetables where possible, and clean, peel, deseed and chop them before putting them in the juicer.
Experiment with your favorite ingredients to come up with your own recipes, or try the following:
Veg-based combinations
3 carrots, 2 fennel stalks and half a lemon
3 carrots, 2 celery stalks, 1 inch piece of fresh root ginger and half an apple
3-4 carrots, 1-2 celery stalks and a small wedge of cabbage
1 green pepper, 1 red pepper, 3 celery stalks, half cucumber and 5 lettuce leaves
5 handfuls spinach, 1 cucumber and 2 carrots
1 beetroot, 2 carrots, a small handful of spinach, 2 tomatoes and a squeeze of fresh lime juice
5 carrots, 1 apple and half a beetroot
Half head of broccoli, a handful of watercress, a handful of parsley, 1 stick of celery and half a fresh pineapple
4-5 carrots, half a lemon, 1 apple, small wedge of red cabbage and a small piece of fresh root ginger
3 celery stalks, a handful of spinach, 2 asparagus stalks and 1 large tomato
A large leaf each of kale and collard, a handful of parsley, 1 celery stalk, 1 carrot, half red pepper, 1 tomato and 1 large broccoli floret
Some Fruit-based combinations
2 apples, 2 pears and a 1 inch piece of fresh root ginger
A handful of blueberries, handful of raspberries, 1 apple and 2 nectarines
1 orange, 1 mango and 1 kiwi fruit
12 strawberries and 4-5 carrots
A large slice of watermelon, a cup of ripe strawberries and the juice and zest of 1 lime
2 oranges, 4 carrots and a 1 inch piece of fresh root ginger
A large bunch of seedless grapes, 1 apple and some fresh mint leaves
To turn your fruit-based juice into a smoothie, just add some live natural yoghurt. Alternatively, for a fruit-based milkshake, you can add a non-dairy soya, rice or almond milk - although none of these would be allowed on a juice-based fast or 7 day detox [] diet. Always drink your juices and shakes immediately to gain the maximum nutritional value.
By following a 3 or 7 day detox diet every few months you will be improving so many different areas of your health and body it will make your head spin. Better complexion, younger looking skin, weight loss and even improve your sex life. Get the latest natural detox tips and get started today.
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