We have all heard that organic food is the healthiest choice for kids because of their growing bodies. Making the complete switch to Organic may seem very costly, but there are a few items that are actually worth the higher price. Especially in today's economy, providing healthy food for your family is a huge expense, to say the least. Before you think that I have lost my mind, listen up. Read on to find more about which organic foods to put on your next grocery list.
Most organic produce does not make much of a difference. Broccoli, asparagus, onions, peeled fruits - avocados, bananas, oranges, all have a low level of pesticides compared to others. People who buy organic milk do so because of the antibiotics, artificial hormones, and pesticides used in the commercial dairy industry. Potatoes make up about 30% of Americans overall vegetable diet. A recent study found that they contain one of the highest pesticide contents of all 43 fruits and vegetables tested.
Peanut butter is another child favorite used to garnish all sorts of fruits. The ugly truth is that 99% of all peanut farms use fungicide to treat mold, a very common problem. By buying organic peanut butter, you will steer clear of digesting any of that! You don't have to go to an organic supermarket; most conventional stores now carry it. Ketchup is also a staple in many families. 75% of all tomato consumption is thru paste, juice, processed tomatoes, and ketchup. Research shows that organic ketchup has double the antioxidants of conventional ketchup. Apples are the 2nd most commonly consumed fruit after bananas and they are the most pesticide contaminated fruit.
My generation certainly was not given the choice to "go organic." I had never even heard of the term organic until I started babysitting for some family friends. I noticed the kitchen cabinets and refrigerator were always filled with foods with very different packaging than I was accustomed to. It would be interesting to do a side by side comparison between kids who grow up on organic food and those who don't.
Lyla Feldman writes about health and fitness. Some of her favorite passions include writing about energy drinks and natural sleep aids.
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