Tuesday, August 30, 2011

An Organic Multi Vitamin - Is it Really Better?

An organic multi vitamin can be your complete, all in one package for improving your health and lifestyle immediately. While there are many different types of multi vitamins and supplements available today, some are actually better for you than others are. A well designed organic multi vitamin will be the best of the bunch and will provide a wide range of positive health effects.

What actually is an organic multi vitamin? The difference between this and a standard multi vitamin is that all of the components in the vitamin or supplement will be natural and organic. This means that everything comes from grown and naturally occurring compounds, fruits, vegetables, herbs and so on. There are no additional chemicals used.

Additionally, none of the vitamins or compounds will have been synthesized in a lab. Yes, vitamins can be artificially created and inserted into things. That's how some foods or drinks claim to be extra vitamin fortified or enriched. But while a close imitation, your body can react differently to an all natural compound and even a close copy that has been synthesized.

Also, when you synthesize compounds you are typically creating them and using them in quantities that would not be found in nature. Taking 10,000% of a vitamin recommendation every day isn't a healthy way to go about things. Too many vitamins in your system can place undue stresses on your kidney, liver and other areas. So it's important to get your vitamins and nutrients in the proper doses, and an organic multi vitamin is one way to do that.

Because organic compounds can be fragile by nature, it is important to be able to protect them once they enter your body. This is important because the stomach's acidic environment can wreck havoc on particular compounds and destroy them before they can be absorbed. This problem can be averted with the use of enteric compounds, which guide a supplement through the stomach and then dissolve away in the base environment of the intestines.

There is unlimited potential in the natural world for healthy and life improving ingredients. Look hard enough on this planet, and you'll find a plant that produces a naturally occurring compound that can help you be healthier. That's why an organic multi vitamin can be effectively combined with many other nutrients and ingredients. Herbal extracts, antioxidants and minerals are just a few of the ingredients that can be used in conjunction with all natural vitamins to achieve great benefits.

So, do you really need to take an organic multi vitamin as opposed to any multi vitamin you can find? I think you'll see that you will notice the healthy benefits and the differences between the two, and once you go organic and all natural, you'll never go back.

David M. Johnson is an avid researcher and writer on natural health and nutrition topics and for many years has been a passionate advocate of natural health alternatives. Read what he has to say about one particular cutting-edge brand of all natural vitamin supplements he recommends on his website now at: http://www.understand-vitamin-supplements.com

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