Thursday, December 16, 2010

Fish Emulsion - Tomatoes Love It

Are you tired of using commercial fertilizers on your tomatoes? Are you worried about ingesting chemicals? If so, you may be wondering about organic fertilizers. One of the most effective of these is fish emulsion: tomatoes just love it.

Fish emulsion is a natural by-product of the fish food industry. To produce it, fish waste is cooked and the oils extracted. Sulfuric acid is then added as a preservative (though it also has nutritional value), and kelp or seaweed is often added for additional plant benefit. Its NPK ratio is usually either 4:1:1 or 5:1:1. The phosphates in the emulsion help promote root development, whilst the nitrogen is used by the plant to make protein.

Fish emulsion is a concentrate, so it should be diluted in water before application. Dilution should at the rate of one tablespoon per gallon of water. Alternatively, it can be used as a foliar feed. In this case, the solution is applied directly to the leaves and the soil watered well.

When should you use fish emulsion? Tomatoes will benefit most if it is first used on the soil immediately after transplantation to soil, when the weather is still cool. Continue to apply around the base of your plants about once a week for optimum results. For foliar feeding, do not apply in the heat of the day, but rather in the early morning or late evening.

Fish emulsion is a very effective and safe fertilizer to use on your tomato plants. Just be sure to dilute it well to avoid the possibility of burn. It has a distinctive odor (not a pleasant one!) that can linger for a couple of days after application, but it will definitely not taint your tomatoes with a fishy taste.

To ensure success in your tomato growing, you'll need more information on fish emulsion and other fertilizers. For this, and for a free guide to common tomato growing problems, simply visit

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