Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Why Organic Acai Berry Extract?

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Acai berry, a small, round, deep purple fruit is an important food for the people of the Amazon, Brazil. It looks like a grape but with less mass. Acai Berry is a single large seed and skin is dark purple or green, depending on the type and maturity. This fruit has a high percentage of consumption among the people of the Amazon for its usefulness. The juice and pulp of the acai berry is very useful and is mixed with differentfruit juice beverages like soda and other beverages.

Research has shown that 100 g of extract of the fruit contains 52.2 grams of carbohydrates, 8.1 g protein, 32.5 g fat, 44.2 grams of fiber forms, the fruits are in the proportion of carbohydrates. This makes a very nutritious fruit Acai Berry. In addition, seeds representing eighty percent of the fruits can be crushed and used for animal feed and used as fertilizer forPlants.

Acai berry, as already mentioned is very nutritious and has some health benefits. The constant consumption of fruit and correct and its derivatives can improve mental clarity, reduce inflammation, improve vision to provide a deep sleep, the supply of essential vitamins in the body, build, improve sexual desire and immune system performance, to help fight cancer cells, reduce the aging process and help the smooth functioning of the heart. These and many otherReasons should be enough to convince you to start eating this magical fruit.

Acai berries have, but the new American nation, a source of nutritious and healthy people live in Brazil and will continue to be. You do not live in the Amazon to get free acai berry.

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