Weight-Management - simple but complicated!
Let's face it - most people like to eat health, fitness and weight management alike. If I had a pound or dollar for every person who asked me what design you must follow, what foods should eat or not, foods that will help them lose weight, I would be a very rich man.
So many people now have to worry about choosing the right foods, planning meals, organizing their gym, etc., are not reallydo what he should do, that is always in the gym, work hard and eaten a bit 'less! This phenomenon is often called "analysis paralysis. Managing weight is easy. Okay, you need a good dose of determination, a sense, a small application and a good dose of self-discipline, but the science of weight loss is simple.
control weight is like running your bank account ... If I spend less than I deserve, I must increase my account - or, to the diet, IWeight gain (particularly fat or fat free). If I spend more than it deserves, will reduce the balance of my - is the equivalent in weight to lose. Go is my case too and the bank manager. Lose weight fast and my body rebelled and stop wasting away to nothing.
To go to this analogy, there are hundreds of credit cards, loans, type of open HP plans etc., which will allow us to go short, there are hundreds of projects, plans, Exercise and DietThe additions will help me is to lose weight. You must follow a plan and give him time to work. About slots as transparent as possible to your lifestyle and is sustainable, manageable, practical and healthy. It does not depend on good food, if you can not stay there, you will not! As with the Bank, if the repayment plan is unacceptable, restrictive, or simply to manipulate, will not be able to make payments, regardless of the interest rate it was interesting!Remember to try the people, food promotion, such as South Beach, cabbage soup, Weight Watchers, Atkins, etc., to sell something, then obviously they will tell you that their plan is the best, and simply to keep , it will be done quickly and without pain, etc. etc. But the reality rarely meets the promise. Be honest - even if the cabbage soup diet is practically guaranteed to help you lose weight, who in their right mind would want to exchange largeTasting food for a bit 'green, tasteless and cause swelling Mush!?
Decisions, decisions ...
Ironically, the diet of subjects of business with the companies most efficient of all time! In recent studies, showed that 95% of diet did not report their weight loss plan chosen for his plan to eat unpleasant or restrictive. And if our Dieter "itself, the car, they just go directly to another and try to find the next popular diet on the market! There are so manyflit nutrition information and MIS-information on most people a nutritional approach to another in search of food magic that you seek their results. Let's face it - most of us want to be leaner yesterday! No body wants to lose a pound a week thin. Unfortunately, however, is a weight loss success is not sexy, fast, or dramatic. And 'slow and soft that takes time. dieters Very few ever come to terms with this reality and are often disappointed when condemned to failurelose 20 pounds in one month, approved by the diet of celebrities or dietitian have been promised.
many diets are impractical, uncomfortable and restrictive to the extreme and can be maintained only for short periods. To make matters worse, if our customers new diet food business from their former, They often have lost the weight back on - plus some extra weight for good Measure and in the end not only to subscribe to the objectives that have set, but actually achieveGetting further from their ideal weight.
There are many physiological reasons for this event - too complex to explore here, but basically can be summarized by examining the famine response "that is activated when the energy (calorific value), the consumption is reduced too.
Reply hunger
Our body knows that fat is essential to keep alive for us, in times of famine as a reduction in calorie intake too low, your body will try to resist andthis precious resource as long as possible. Your body has no idea of something to eat voluntarily. It assumes that there was enough food to survive and to make certain physiological changes accordingly. Think about it - that is the longest, if on a desert island without food ... the person with the shortest life, body or person stranded at this point? Mr Lean, but I have a six pack is not "research, in addition, after several weeks of little or no food,while our friend is overweight for a much more acceptable. Nature is so cruel!
In principle, the greater the response to a lack of results in loss of muscle, fat storage options, lowered metabolic rate (daily energy), increased hunger and food at the end to the collapse ... all that prolong life, when food is scarce, but not with regard to weight management is really what we want, I think you're right.
So how can we prevent the outbreak of famineAnswer? Quite simply, we must make haste makes waste. Point to a slight reduction in calories, a slight increase in activity. The organization is almost abandoned deposits of fat fool - you do it too fast and we are the answer, the hungry, no doubt, prevents you from any progress and lead to increased body fat rebound. .. relaxation is called Yo Yo diet. Also, to avoid the loss of muscle, we operate in practice. If you, your muscles involvedregularly, the body thinks that these muscles are easier to take, even if is a calorie deficit - it is a case of "use it or lose it." CV exercise that promotes muscle breakdown (catabolism), which promotes the formation of force that the muscle building (anabolism).
So we will try to keep the food simple. This plan (Note - not a diet, as this approach can be used long term) is as simple as it is ... no complicated recipes to follow, not to buy allowances, it is not surprisingto consume the food - just a simple system to help you achieve and maintain target weight.
The alternative - Common Sense Nutrition
I can summarize this approach in one sentence - 95% of all meals must be based on lean protein juice, more fruit and vegetables and drink only water, green tea, or if you have your freshly squeezed. That's it. Hardly the destruction of the world or complicated, but very effective. No counting calories or weighing or measuring food ... Ensure each meal containing protein and fruit or vegetables.
What's Hot!
Protein foods ...
Eggs, no "real" meat (unprocessed), fish, milk is fine, but preferably natural products such as yogurt and cottage cheese, nuts, beans, legumes, protein powder whey and soy (minimum quantities for men, moderate levels for women).
Vegetables ...
Every year, except for white potatoes, and decide from time to time especially after.
Fruit> ...
Each fruit in its natural state is good, but it is preferable careful with citrus as bananas, the number of calories can be a bit 'thick. Homemade juices are good, but avoid most store-bought "from concentrate" as these juices are usually treated so that they are missing most of its vitamins and minerals and sweetened drinks are not really healthy at all. Dried fruit has some advantages, but not too long before eating dried fruit, such asless space in your stomach, and is easy to consume in large quantities.
Fat ...
Take care, all meals contain a reasonable amount of healthy fats. In most cases this will be starting from the protein content of food, but can also olive oil, sunflower oil, fish oil, butter and oils, dairy butter (not margarine), so your best to avoid Trans fats are like the plague!
What is not there!
food containing wheat and other grains should be limited toAvoid bread and pasta. Pasta and rice are also a no-go. For many people, can cause intestinal disorders and abdominal swelling grain, while minimizing the consumption may be useful. Breakfast cereals are usually made from corn sugar and salt unwanted burden, but also on the menu. This is a starting point for many of you, but once accustomed to eating a very healthy and will help you, body composition goals with relative ease and without interventionstarvation response. If you need to eat grains, choose whole grains, preferably organic and examine the way it should be better prepared for optimal digestion and absorption. It can be a night of soaking and repeated rinsing, for example.
Basically, if you did not hit the ground, bathing in the sea, or pushing on the ground, you should not eat! Avoid all processed food as possible and try to consume foods in their natural state. If food is "man made" E 'probably not very good for you. If you are a package, there are certainly better choices and you can, if everything is on the list of ingredients you can not do unspeakably put in your body!
You are what you eat ... Eat Junk Junk = hear!
Ingredients, to sound the alarm, and should be avoided, if possible hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated anything, artificial sweeteners, emulsifiers, acidity regulators, nitrates, gelling,Dyes, preservatives, or anything that looks like a chemistry set-up, rather than in the stomach!
Ideally, such as fruits and vegetables every meal should be consumed in ... We need a variety of foods to ensure you get the full spectrum of vitamins and minerals needed to sustain health. A very good approach is to introduce a system of traffic lights, if vegetables or fruit. Simply select the items and colors at each meal, such as tomato red,yellow peppers and lettuce. consumed by mixing food coloring, it is more likely to have a good variety of nutrients. If possible, try to buy organic versions of all. Organic foods are produced without the use of pesticides, insecticides, fertilizers, hormones, antibiotics and other potentially harmful chemicals. Usually cost a bit 'more taste, but often much more "real." If you can not buy organic, make sure that all foods(Includes meat) are washed to remove any traces of chemicals on the surface.
Regarding the size of food portions had to go - not too anal about weighing and measuring, with the exception of nuts and fats, calories dense and should be avoided in large amounts and in moderation. The meal started with your planning portion of protein - chicken breast or steak through, for example, the pile of vegetables and add a little 'fat around healthy mealsAdjust portion sizes, such as hunger, energy and scale require.
The kitchen is something to take into consideration what we need. The way we cook the food can be positive or potentially hazardous to our health. cooking methods are recommended ...
No smoke - especially vegetables and fish
Or barbecue - meat and fish (non-stick grill like George Foreman excellent tools for health and size are up!)
or fry - for most foods. CutFood into small pieces to ensure rapid frying and minimal loss of nutrients
No boiling - but the vegetables without cooking
Roasted or - for vegetables and meat
Or slow cooking (pot pot)
Microwave is very convenient, but the effects of microwaves on food and health is still relatively unknown. Some data suggest that the microwave can make changes to the chemical structure of food so unhealthy. In a recent study, plants weremicrowave chilled saturated. The plants do not grow and died shortly after. Although not conclusive, this suggests that the microwave can be dangerous, while the practical use of more traditional methods of cooking.
Where possible and tasty, try eating fruit and vegetables in their raw state, retention of vitamins and minerals can be lost in the kitchen. About fruits and vegetables for cooking should be avoided or excessive in all circumstancesProlonged exposure to heat can damage the delicate micro-nutrients and reduce their health benefits ...
Spice it up!
Despite appearances, are the meals that meet the above criteria, not terribly annoying. It is use your imagination and find interesting combinations of foods allowed. Do not forget the ingredients and - sauces and condiments to health can be achieved in a very short time, and add a new dimension to the taste of an otherwise boring meal. Whynot to consider the following item in your shopping list ... You can own sauces, dressings and sauces to dress each meal to do with food allowed.
O balsamic
No olive oil (extra virgin cold-pressed, only!)
O unsalted butter (ok, in small quantities)
sea salt or
No black pepper
chili or curry powder or
Or various herbs and spices
So I'm going. I promise you a dress size by the end of the week to lose, I swearYou will be a stone lighter at this time next month. What I can assure you, that is - food, what types of foods listed above and Prevention has made man "Franken Foods" provides the desired shape and health, without your life so complicated, nobody Nobody knows if you go and are. And the best? This super scheme can cost a cent! No books to buy, not to buy supplements, no paper in. It 's just a matter of eating natural foods for us to fillbefore eating processed foods are the norm.
The exception to the rule - a meal post-exercise
If you notice any intense exercise can participate on a regular basis, that compliance with the above guidelines, you may leave feeling a bit 'weak or tired - especially after exercise. After training, the carbohydrates stored in the body (called glycogen) levels more or less exhausted. must be obtained from a bout of similar exercise, our glycogen stores must be replenished. There isimportant to try to promote this as quickly as possible anabolism (tissue growth and repair) and minimize catabolism (for face cloth). To do this, during the following year, you can deviate from the above guidelines and include the foods that normally are not generally acceptable.
Our post-exercise meal is more subtle, less fiber carbohydrates such as rice, pasta, bread, cereals, grains, potatoes, etc., which are now being used in the restocking of our glycogenShops and is very unlikely to be stored as fat in the end. Post exercise, the main task of the organization is to restore the glycogen is used for a result that consumes most of the carbohydrates in this window of opportunity to reintroduce this vital supply of carbohydrates. Ensure that post-exercise meals include muscle protein anabolism begin to blow and we have a great help in our recovery effort, which should be better exploited our next. Draw
Examples include meal after training:
Or peanut butter sandwich
or potatoes and tuna in olive oil and salad
or noodles with chicken in tomato sauce
No rice with pork and sauteed vegetables
No ricotta bread
or 2 bananas and a handful of unsalted nuts
berries and yogurt or a smoothie "
No protein whey powder mixed with yogurt and fruit.
There are many options to choose fromfrom, simply choose another pair, and transform from day to day on a variety of nutrients for its consumption.
Consider this food as a reward for the hard drive, knowing that it will do anything to lift the weight management efforts from their hinges - then return the simple but effective nutrition plan for the rest of the meal.
Dale Patrick
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