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I am the true vine and my Father is the farmer. Every branch of mine that he flies, fruit, and every branch that bears no fruit, purgeth which may bear more fruit. Now is the word that you heard from me. Abide in me and I in you. As a branch can bear fruit by itself does not, unless it abides in the vine longer than you can do unless you abide in me. I am the vine, you are the poles isWhoever remains in me and I in him, bears much fruit: for without me you can do. If anyone does not abide in me is thrown away like a branch of the voice and dried, and men gather them and throw them into the fire and burned. If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you want, and it is with you. This is my Father glorified, that many are bearing fruit and become my disciples. - (St. John 15: 1-8) KJV (emphasisMine)
Organic compounds
One of the best known parables of Jesus is the vine and the branches. It 'a metaphor for the mind, vital and fruitful relationship between Christ and the Church together.
I especially like this metaphor because it shows not only the direction of Christ, but also an allusion to the organic relationship and dependency among the faithful to each other.
1) This emphasis on organicthe essential function of all believers in Christ, the source of our spiritual life and fruitfulness (John 3:04 ET, Col 3:4).
2) This parable also illustrates the interdependent nature of the Body of Christ (Eph 4:16).
Since the branches to become one with the vine, we are members of one other to be recorded, in particular, and to share the same spiritual life of the vine (Romans 0:05, 1 Cor. 12:27).
is maintained the ratio of vinesfarmers (the father), and the relationship of Christ with the Church is assured by the Father through the Holy Spirit (Jn 14:16 clock, 1 Cor. 12:13).
Although one can easily see the vital link between the vineyard and the vine that is often overlooked important symbiotic relations and mutually beneficial branches to one another (Ephesians 4:15-16) is.
This report is also an important spiritual and fruitful talks with the EUAgency of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 12.12 to 13, Eph. 4:4).
The life of the organic body
As the metaphor of the vine and the branches to help us understand how life experiences and organic body care within a local community of faith, like the construction of the church?
There are three things we need to recognize the life and practice to get your body all the benefits of organic products.
1) We always need to recognize the direction of Christ and practicesdiscern his presence in our midst (Matthew 18:20).
2) We must always recognize and distinguish the body of the Lord when we meet others through the recognition of management and organic gifts and call of a horn that we have a mutually beneficial cooperation (Romans 12:3-17: first 11, 29).
3) We must always recognize and practice with the same care for one another (cf. 1 Cor. 12.12 to 27).
In each garden is "a load of weeds or potentialviability, growth, hamper productivity of the vine. In this case, inside the church, the faithful profess the weeds of the House, false apostles, deceitful workers, (2 Cor. 11:13). What are we doing that?
That is a shame, he stressed the need for the work of the farmer, who by the Holy Spirit, the winemaker. He is responsible for ensuring the viability and fertility of the vine, and will separate over time (Lk13:6-9)
Often in the early stages of a local church, it is difficult to distinguish a weed from the true vine. The most important thing to remember is that the Holy Spirit is the work todress and maintain the garden so is to live a fruitful, place of production and security for all "(Genesis 2:15).
The relationship of life of the vine and branches, underlining the need to remain faithful to Christ and Christ in believers. Fertility is only possible because ourspiritual unity and vital relationship with Christ. For Christ said of this relationship,
... Because without me you can do anything "(Jn 15:5) to do.
Moreover, if we take credit for the work of grace in our lives, we must understand that this is indeed the Christ, who did the work and the production of fruit in the lives of believers through the Holy Spirit dwells.
Justice, peace, joy, soul, etc., all are the work of the Holy Spirit (Rom. 2:07;Gal.5: 22).
The biological dynamics of five communities are: partnership, community, intimacy, vitality and fertility.
1) the relationship is the main consequence of intellectuals and vital union between Christ and believers. We are called together in unity (Psalm 133:1; be Eph. 4:3, 13.)
Two), Fellowship: To the extent that our life in Christ, unity with one another depends on the quality of our relationshipsand communion with Christ. It 'then must first experience with the community in British Columbia, and all.
Although the common meals, prayer meetings and worship are expressions of intimacy and communion also experience times when the faithful gather outside of regular meetings of the church koinonia house or a scholarship.
3) Privacy: As all believers, Christ is called to an intimate experience and knowledge, we are called tointimate communion with each other. Intimacy depends on the quality of our community. If members of the House of the Church, a degree of trust, intimacy reach achieved. Transparency, transparency, honesty, courtesy and mutual respect are the hallmarks of a healthy and vibrant community of faith.
4) Beauty: As the spiritual bond between Christ (the vine) and the believers (branches) is essential so that the quality of the organic mass of local life in faithHall.
Vitality is the result of a common life, which results from the symbiotic, interdependent relationship of mutual benefit to members of a local faith community. Vitality provides for fertility, what level of joy by members of the House of the Church occupied with experience.
Five) Fruit: If the relationship and friendship, intimacy and vitality are now the result of fertility. There are three levels of fertility in the vineyarddepends on the quality of the above, are: fruit, more fruit and much fruit.
It must be said that fertility is a process that takes time. The vitality of the Church House, depends on the intimacy between Christ and believers and the faithful. Intimacy, according to the quality of scholarship and is measured by the degree of trust that exists in the relations of members of a local faith community.
The ultimatethe mental, vital and fruitful Union is the glory of God Jesus said:
My father is glorified in mind that stretch far .. "(John 15:8), emphasis added.
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