In four years the EU has funded the study highlighted the benefits of organic food has found that organic fruits and vegetables contain up to 40 percent more for organic products was higher in antioxidants and beneficial minerals like zinc and iron . Organic juices, for example, have far more antioxidants than their conventional counterparts. But the results of this study only confirms what most people grew more information feel good food mineralland rich in natural and chemical fertilizers are also more nutritious. have used numerous pesticides, herbicides, hormones and other chemicals in conventional food production, free of cancer, immune suppression and a variety of other degenerative diseases have been linked to accompany immunosuppression.
What kinds of foods are the best
In other words, you should familiarize yourself with foods that come directly from nature. Your vegetables, fruits, nuts, cereals and meatmust be in their natural form and pure, or be as close as possible. Most fruit and vegetable shop should focus on themselves. When purchasing meat, eggs and dairy products, make sure that the animals were fed or grazing grass and not as a limitation of plants and animals.
Meat, eggs and dairy products from animals grazed give you the benefits of organic food better. limited as much as in food for stock trading, factory,They give you more good fats and less "bad" fats. They are rich in antioxidants, including vitamin E, beta-carotene and vitamin C. Also, do not contain traces of added hormones, antibiotics or other drugs.
Be aware that all foods are created equal, that the organic label has in recent years at risk. Therefore, it is very suspicious of the large super-centers and supermarkets, have also been compromised their version oforganic food on the shelves. chips and soft drinks are still bad for you, regardless of whether they are "labeled" organic, and you're all the benefits of organic food to eat. The organic food industry is a multi-billion big companies, and many unscrupulous manufacturers are simply the benefits people want to eat healthy and live a healthier life in danger or even incorrect versions of biological productsGrocery shelves.
Genetically Modified Organic Clothing
They also know that organic foods are genetically modified. You will not receive the benefits of organic food GM foods disguised as organic. This is outright deception. According to some estimates, up to seventy percent of the food we have now genetically modified. The best way to ensure you're not buying organic foodthat is genetically modified to find the USDA seal. The USDA Organic seal guarantees that producers of organic products meet strict environmental standards in their methods of cultivation. the seal of the manufacturer must be used to maintain high environmental standards to those.
Another way to determine if you are shopping for genetically modified foods on the code PLU Research. Genetically modified foods are 5 digits starting with # eighth example, GM orange84,072. Foods that are organically grown, with five digits starting with # ninth example, organic orange 94,231. Foods that are grown conventionally, have a four-digit code. For example an increase, 4057 Orange Classic.
The Environmental Working Group has published the results of a study in which they occur identified with the highest and lowest levels of pesticides. This will help you make better decisions about how to buy food. If you are concerned about the benefits of organic foodYou must avoid producing thin-skinned as peaches, nectarines, strawberries, celery, peppers, cabbage, lettuce, grapes, carrots and pears, since they have higher pesticide residues.
If you buy conventionally grown produce here are the best choice, unless they are genetically modified crops: onions, avocados, corn, pineapple, mango, asparagus, sweet peas, kiwi, cabbage, eggplant, papaya, watermelon, broccoli, tomatoes and sweet potatoes.
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