Sunday, October 31, 2010

6 Tips for Planning a Beginner Vegetable Garden

Gardening can be an extremely rewarding activity in so many ways. It can be fun and fulfilling and there is something primordial about working with the earth and the elements to create a thing of beauty and bounty. It can also be rewarding in a very tangible way. Vegetable gardening yields an edible crop as its end result and food has real material value.

However those new to both gardening and growing vegetables in particular may find that first foray into creating a veg plot a little daunting. Here are a few simple tips designed to make the garden planning process simpler:

Tip 1

Consider what type of vegetable garden you should create. There are several options available and the one you eventually choose will depend to a large extent on the amount of land you have available and the amount of time you wish to devote to your new activity. The traditional method of cultivating a vegetable garden used to be to plant in long, well ordered rows, which is fine if you have a large area to use. The drawbacks of this method are that because you have to walk on the plot your soil is constantly becoming compacted which leads to a lot of digging. This is both labour intensive and also releases valuable nutrients from the soil.

Many home gardeners now opt for raised beds, which is an excellent method to employ, particularly for those with limited space. The advantages of this approach are that you can concentrate compost and fertiliser onto the growing area and reduce waste, improve drainage and maintain warmth by building the bed up with added organic matter like manure.

You may like the idea of a potager style garden which can be both productive and ornamental, mixing floral beauty with herbs and vegetables.

Tip 2

Location is an important consideration when planning your veg garden. Consider where you live, when is the last date you can expect to have frost etc. Gardening climates are generally broken down into three different zones; cold, temperate and tropical/sub-tropical. In the Northern hemisphere the cold zone would be considered those areas with freezing temperatures during winter months, temperate is where frost can still occur in the winter months but it doesn't snow and the summers are hot and long and tropical/sub-tropical where frost and snow are unheard of.

Tip 3

Where you site your plot should require some thought too. Vegetable beds have often been consigned to the rear of our gardens, hidden away while the flowers take centre stage. Yet vegetable plants can be beautiful in their own right. They will also need sunlight and therefore will not thrive if they are consigned to dark, shady spots. Make notes on where the sun shines in your garden at different times in the day. Digital cameras and mobile phones are great for this purpose; take photographs on sunny days and you will have visual record to assist you in the planning process. Different plants have different requirements so take that into consideration when planning your vegetable garden. Sometimes, especially with smaller gardens, choice may be restricted. I live on a hill which is exposed to wicked westerly winds and I have had no option but to site my vegetable plot under these conditions. Whilst I would say that it is clearly not ideal I still produce abundant harvests of edible crops throughout the year.

Tip 4

Keep a diary devoted to your gardening to help plan your sowing and planting throughout the growing year. This can also be used to schedule other related activities such as seed ordering and bed preparing etc. Consult a seed sowing and planting guide and decide which vegetables you want to grow and make an appointment in your diary to sow the seeds. This memoir will assist with things like crop rotation too. Gardening, like any other endeavour benefits from a little organisation and discipline.

Tip 5

Order the seeds you need well in advance of the growing season. Seed catalogues are great for thumbing through on cold January days when winter seems as if it is going to last forever. Pouring over these brochures fills you with a sense of anticipation for the warmth of the growing season to come and is an essential part of the whole planning process. In addition to the seeds make sure you have any equipment you will need in place. The basics are garden tools, seed trays, seed pots, compost etc.

Tip 6

Document your progress in your garden diary throughout the year. Record when you sow seed, plant out, prepare a bed etc. Keep note of which varieties perform well or otherwise. Look upon the diary as an essential garden tool. I have been using a garden diary for years now and I have found it to be as important and useful to me as my trowel!

Growing your own fresh organic fruit and vegetables is a wonderful and profitable pastime and there is much to learn even for those who may consider themselves experts. Planning is an important aspect of any undertaking and horticulture is no exception to this rule. So before anyone breaks soil it is essential to give some thought to the preparation and development of your vegetable plot. If the activity is broken down into the simple chunks listed here then the creation of a continually productive vegetable garden should be less off-putting and more fun.

I hope these guidelines concerning the vital first process of creating an abundant organic fruit and vegetable garden have proved informative. There is much more information available at where you can follow my organic gardening adventures.

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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Certified Organic Seedless Watermelon

Each year, as spring pushes winter aside and the air warms, there are certain thoughts, certain cravings that return after months of absence. For many, one of those cravings is for watermelon.

Watermelons are grown in 44 of the continental United States. If you purchase watermelons in a western state, chances are they were grown in California or Arizona. If you purchase them in a mid-western or eastern state, they are more likely to have been grown in Florida, Georgia, or Texas. If you really crave watermelon for New Year's Day, you can probably get one, since they are imported from Mexico. Domestic melons, however, come into season in May and are around until the end of October. The season's peak is from May through August.

While watermelons are abundant, it isn't so easy to find certified organic seedless watermelon.

Up-front Advice

If you research carefully, you will learn that, technically, there cannot be such a thing as a certified organic seedless watermelon. Why? A certified organic seedless watermelon is a genetically altered watermelon. The genetic alteration is done chemically.

To create a seedless watermelon, seed producers treat natural watermelon seed with Colchicines, a chromosome-altering chemical. Colchicines changes the chromosome number in the seeds from 2 to 4. Once this is done, the seeds are pollinated with the natural 2 chromosome watermelon. The result is an un-natural, genetically modified watermelon with 3 chromosomes.

Continue your research and you will learn, as I did, that plants must have an even number of chromosomes to reproduce. Since the un-natural, genetically modified watermelon now has 3 chromosomes, it cannot form seeds. You get a seedless melon.

A watermelon that is touted as certified organic seedless watermelon may be grown organically, but chemicals were used in the production of the seeds. You will have to decide your own definition of "organic" to decide whether or
not you want the melon.

If you still want to find certified organic seedless watermelon, you have options.

Order Online

The Internet, which seems to have about anything you could want, includes stores that will ship certified organic seedless watermelon to your door. Of course, it has to be in season.

1. Cherry Moon Farms offers organic fruit delivery, and guarantees that the fruit will arrive fresh or your money back.

2. Diamond Organics offers "next-day" delivery of organic fruits, vegetables, and a host of other things. They guarantee that everything will be as you want it. If it isn't, they will replace the item on your next order, or issue a refund.

Farmer's Markets

If there is a farmer's market in your area, you may be able to buy certified organic seedless watermelon there. If you know someone at your farmer's market who grows organic produce, you could call them early in the spring and request that they plant certified organic seedless watermelon.

Grocery Stores

Check your local grocery stores for certified organic seedless watermelon. More and more are establishing an organic subdivision in the produce section. Some grocery stores try to honor customer requests, too, and may order in certified organic seedless watermelon if you ask for it.

Plant Your Own

You may want to plant your own certified organic seedless watermelon. Names of choices to ask for include, but are not limited to the following:

1. Everglade Hybrid Watermelon

2. Lemon Ice Hybrid Watermelon

3. Orange Sunshine Hybrid Watermelon

4. Big Tasty Seedless Hybrid Watermelon

Watermelons With Seeds

If you decide that certified organic seedless watermelon is not organic enough for your tastes, you might want to grow a container or row of your own organic watermelon. An easy, delicious melon to grow on your patio is sugar baby - and yes, organic seed companies such as Main Street Seed and Supply have certified organic seeds for this watermelon. It produces round watermelons, about 7" to 8.5" and weighing 8 to 12 pounds. The name tells you what to expect. It's probably worth the seeds!

©2007, Anna Hart. Anna Hart invites you to read more of her articles about organic gardening at Anna is posting new articles every week on that site, each one dealing with some facet of organic gardening. If you want information for yourself or someone else on how to grow an organic vegetable garden, including watermelon, you will want to read Anna’s article on the subject.

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Friday, October 29, 2010

7 Inexpensive Ways to Eat Organic

Honestly, most people would like to eat more organic foods, however, they are not willing to put forth the effort in order to make this happen. Eating healthy is not an overnight escapade. It takes active planning, motivation and money. Considering you are planning and you have the motivation, here are a few ways to be creative with your spending when purchasing organics.

1. Avoid Excess

When buying something they enjoy, most folks tend to grab more than they need. If you are buying organic fruit or milk, get enough to last you until your next trip to the store. Don't buy with your stomach, this may hurt you in the long run as you will throw away items that are no longer fresh.

2. Optimum Condition

Just like you take care of your expensive items, make sure you take good care of your expensive food. Be ready to spend a little extra in order to organize your kitchen; this will save you money. Having the right storage containers and labels will give you the ability to store your organic foods for longer while at the same time keeping them fresh.

3. Shop Around

When buying a car we all shop around, we don't buy the first car we come across. Don't just assume that your local supermarket sells the cheapest organic food. In fact, the opposite may very well be true. Look around and see what options are out there. I know of small fruit and vegetable markets that are better priced than the supermarkets offering similar organic foods, so look around. After a few shopping adventures, you will begin to know where the best places are to get the foods you love at the most reasonable price. So if initially you get discouraged because you have to shop around a bit, don't be! You must become and expert by doing your research, then the rewards come with that.

4. Coupons

Just like you use coupons on non organic foods, there are coupons on your organic items. Utilize this service to the max. Before making any sort of grocery run look through the catalog and see what organics they have available. If you don't get coupons in the mail, most stores have their weekly ads placed at the entrance, don't forget to utilize this way to possibly save on your favorite items. Recently, I have heard of coupons and sales being announced via the web. As the times change, so do the ways we can save money; keep your mind open to that ways you can save!

5. Bulk on the dry items.

There are certain items that should not be bought in bulk; one of the most important is bread. However, if you find your favorite pasta or noodles or organic cereal on sale, it is not a bad idea to buy several boxes to save some money in the long run.

6. Enjoy the season

Organic foods are obviously cheaper when they are in season. Go ahead and enjoy oranges in the winter time and switch over to watermelon in the summer. This way you can enjoy certain foods in their season and reduce your spending. Once again, it is good to plan ahead so that you do not spend money on a whim.

7. Meet the Farmers

There are farmers markets that will sell organics at great prices. Search online or sign up with a membership group that will let you know where various markets are being held and on what days. There are certain markets that are there only open on weekends. Utilize them. There are farmers that will sell from their doorstep. I had offers to have organic milk dropped at my doorsteps at a price competitive to that of supermarket organic milk. Always keep an open mind!

I hope you enjoyed reading the article. Please visit for some delicious ways to prepare my favorite types of chicken! Happy Eating. Ali.

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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Interesting Facts About Organic Foods

There is plenty of great information out there about organic foods. The problem though is that not all of it is true. Here are some interesting facts about organic foods that you will find to be very useful. That information can also help you to decide if you want to take advantage of buying such products or not.

It may surprise you to discover that only about 2% of the food in the world is organically grown. That is why you can't always find a huge supply of it locally. That is also part of the reason why they prices are so high for them. Don't let this low percentage fool you though because about $40 million annually is coming in for such food items.

In the United States, the movements of organic foods are very high and many manufacturers are looking into it. This is the area where most of the organic foods are grown. Today about 70% of grocery stores out there offer some form of organic foods. It may surprise you that there is a huge demand for organic cream and yogurt products.

It isn't just the United States though where organic foods are selling well. Other areas include Canada, Italy, and the UK. It is believed that within the next decade you will find some forms of organic foods being grown and distributed throughout every country in the world. Australia has a very large sector of land where organic foods are grown and it is believed that more land will be allocated for that purpose over the next five years.

Many people are surprised though to learn that the biggest country for organic production of foods is Germany. This is due to the fact that they often have problems with their soil and producing foods because of it. Organic methods though do help them to have soil that is very nutritious. In Europe the movement for more organic foods has to do with the conscious choices of society. They don't want to contribute the addition of chemicals to the food they eat or to the environment if there is a better alternative.

The process of converting farm land from conventional methods though to organic methods is very time consuming. This is why it is taking a while for the numbers out there to steadily increase. On average that process takes five years to complete. A farmer can't just wake up on day and say that he has decided to only grow organic products. Unfortunately the process isn't that easy to complete.

At least 70% of people in the United States have purchased or consumed some form of organic food. They don't find there is much of a difference when it comes to the taste of it. One fruit that seems to be sweeter by many reports though is the apple. Organic foods do spoil faster though because they don't have wax or other preservatives on them. They can also be smaller than others due to that growing process not being sped up through chemicals.

Products that are 95% or higher in ratings according to the USDA can get the label to place on their food products as being organic. Most consumers don't bother to look at those labels though so they are buying what they believe are organic foods but they really aren't. Learning this information should make you interested in finding out more about the process for organic food labeling. You want to be confident that what you buy is the real thing. Why pay for foods that you think are organic when they only contain some elements of what will make them so?

Organic food becomes a good choice by more and more people. The Organic Grocer is an online organic food Sydney based retailer. They provide fresh organic fruit and vegetable. They deliver organic food penrith and organic food blue mountains.

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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Juiced Fruit and Vegetables - Nourishment in Its Purest Form

There was a time when raw foods had to be consumed by first peeling them and then chopping them into manageable pieces. People who were acknowledged as being health conscious ate two or three items of fruit with their lunchtime sandwiches, sitting on a bench somewhere in the park armed with a fruit knife.

The World has moved on since then and it is now widely believed that at least a third of one's daily intake of food should consist of raw vegetables and fruit. In the days before efficient juicers were invented, athletes ploughed through piles of fresh fruit and vegetables and spent literally hours trying to consume adequate amounts to provide accelerated energy levels.

Now we can drink a glass of juiced fruit and vegetables with the required amount of supplements to provide us with the pure nourishment we need on a daily basis. In the cooking process, many natural qualities are removed from foods. By juicing raw foods, we preserve these nutrients.

Serial juicing experts have an abundance of tips for making raw juiced foods taste great and perform to maximum nutritional levels. Adding cucumber to water can make all the difference to the taste of a vegetable recipe; adding fresh lime to anything can contains ginger will add flavor and interest; for a tropical taste, adding coconut or pineapple can improve the blend; for a dessert juice, using yoghurt as a base will produce a milk shake effect.

When considering introducing juiced meals into a balanced diet, it is a good idea not to go overboard and try consuming three juiced meals per day and nothing else. Solid foods have a place in a healthy eating regime and although juicing raw foods will produce a detoxification effect, especially if adopted as part of a program using supplements, the human body possesses the natural instinct to chew food.

Start by juicing breakfast and eating a light lunch. A good idea is to introduce cereal bars into the equation as these provide fibre and grain. Try sticking to white meats and fish for a main meal once a day and cut down a little on starchy potatoes for a week or so. Drink plenty of water and avoid snack foods that are high in fat and sugar. The improvements in general health and energy levels will be dramatic.

Try purchasing organic fruit and vegetables and avoid foods that have been chemically grown. Add a little protein powder to breakfast juice as it will ward off hunger pains through the rest of the day. Try adding Goji berries and flaxseed to your diet and see if there is an improvement in the way you feel.

A good quality juicer will completely transform the way you eat food and over time produce shiny hair, stronger teeth and nails, accelerate energy levels and generally create a better and healthier body environment. If you do not have a good juicer, buy the best you can afford to guarantee long service.

If you are considering a healthier lifestyle, start with a single gear juicer. I recommend the Samson GB 9001 Juicer from Purely Juicers. If you prefer a twin gear juicer try the Green Star Juicer.

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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Natural Fertilizer For Trees

With the organic movement's rise in popularity, we've seen a new approach in taking care of our lawns and gardens. Gone are the days of using chemically-based weed and feed products. What we have is a desire is to take care of our lawns and gardens naturally. The same can also be true of our desire to care for our trees and vineyards.

With numerous studies demonstrating the harmful effects of pesticides and chemicals, it is only appropriate that we deviate from the use of them and turn to other alternative ways of growing and fertilizing our soil, plants and trees. Just like the plants in our gardens, our fruit trees also need a natural fertilizer to help maintain and produce the best fruit possible.

If you've noticed patches of dead tissue on small or yellowish leaves, or deformed fruit, then it's safe to say that your trees are suffering from a nutrient deficiency. Because no tree or lot of soil is alike, I've found that the key to growing beautiful, nutrient-rich fruit is using a natural fertilizer. It doesn't matter if they are young or old, apple or pear trees, regardless of their current situation, they will need some additional help from you in the form of a natural fertilizer. (Remember, at the end of the day, our desire is for our fruit to be free from hazardous chemicals and pesticides!)

Usually proficient at evaluating their garden's soil, seasoned gardeners figure out what the soil needs and then apply a natural compost or natural fertilizer to make up for what the soil lacks. Well, the same can be true of the way in which we take care of our trees. We first figure out what it is our trees lack and then, once we know their deficiencies, we provide them with a nutrient-rich natural fertilizer.

In some areas, the soil may be deficient of phosphate or potassium, or maybe even nitrogen. Whatever the case may be, a dose of compost or naturally decaying materials will help overcome these deficiencies, and the results will be better soil quality, stronger roots, and of course, what you hope for, better, more nutritious fruit.

By using a natural fertilizer on your trees or vineyards, you are providing essential vitamins and minerals which act as natural growth regulators. Allowing previously unavailable nutrients to enter the roots of the tree can also stimulate new roots, firmly rooting the tree in the soil and giving it access to a deep source of moisture (especially important during a drought).

Natural fertilizers can be worked into the soil around fruit trees by digging holes around the whole tree. Once you've dug holes, pack with them with compost or a natural fertilizer and then cover. Dispensing fertilizer or compost to the root of the tree helps achieve overall tree health. You can also apply a compost or natural fertilizer around the top 2 or 3 inches of the soil, surrounding the trunk area, supplying essential nutrients for the best overall growth.

With a little work of naturally fertilizing your trees, you can take full advantage of enjoying nutrient-rich, healthy, and chemical-free fruit that you and your whole family can enjoy. Why settle for anything less?

Christopher A. Williams (aka Natural Fertilizer Guy) edits the website:

The website contains articles about natural fertilizers and seaweed based fertilizers, as well as general natural gardening tips.

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Monday, October 25, 2010

Indoor Greenhouse Or Hydro - Organics Grow Room

Have you heard about indoor hydro-organics? It is an organic growing technique based on hydroponics. According to this technique, you can create proper atmospheric conditions to grow the plants in an indoor situation while adhering to organic standards.

Hydroponics is the practice of growing a plant in anything but soil. Most might think that it would be impossible to have anything organic if not produced in soil, but this isn't true. Hydroponics, or more specifically, hydro-organics can be fully organic and hydroponic by growing in certified organic coconut fiber with certified organic nutrients.

HydroHuts are perfect indoor grow rooms. Hydrohut allows you to grow with hydro-organic technology which is one of the most productive ways to grow all varieties of plants, and those raised in a hydroponic system will exhibit maximum yield, flavor, vitamin and essential oil content.

Grow your choice of vegetables and plants in a better way, in your own hydro-organic growing chamber. HydroHut is a leader in the indoor organic hydroponics market nationwide. These indoor grow rooms are a model of a greenhouse unit. So, it is also called an indoor greenhouse. Hydrohuts can be equipped with everything you need to grow bigger, better plants indoors; including high intensity discharge (HID) lighting systems, cooling fans, a hydro-organic gardening system, and atmospheric controllers.

Many sizes of HydroHuts are available for your specific situation, including the Kindergarden, HydroHut Mini, HydroHut Original, HydroHut 2x4 garden and the big daddy, the Deluxe HydroHut. You can choose from any of these which suits your specific gardening area and space requirements.

Hydroponics and Hydro-organics has never been so easy as with the HydroHut.

HydroHuts make perfect indoor grow rooms for growing a wide variety of plants. Want to know how you can have a garden in full bloom right in your living room with Hydrohut? It is not magic it is hydro-ponics, a tested and proven technique of growing plants without soil.

Want to know more? Go to Hydrohuts home.

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Sunday, October 24, 2010

How to Make Organic Soap - Are Your Soap Bars Really Organic?

It is quite ironic to think that in times when technology is just under your nose, people want to go back to basics. I guess we have become numb on the overall effects of technological advancement that when it comes to our personal lives, we prefer to go back to basics. We all know that technology has its own share of disadvantages and perhaps this is the reason we want to go natural. This is the reason why organic products are becoming more popular than ever.

How to make organic soap is one of the offshoots of the advent of going back to basics. People have become dissatisfied with the effects of commercially prepared soap. Some of its known ingredients are harmful chemicals that greatly affect the skin condition of those who use it. In fact, some have developed serious skin irritations; thus, switched to all natural personal care products. This is the reason why making soap that is truly organic can be a lucrative endeavor.

But before you start counting the chickens before it even hatches, you have to get familiar with making soap that is truly organic. First is to get familiar with the difference between just a natural soap versus organic soap. In natural soap, the ingredients are not necessarily all organic. It can be a mix of organic ingredients and those that are simply all natural; like for instance fruits and vegetable ingredients that are not organically grown.

But when it comes to how to make organic soap, all ingredients, both base and additives have to be certified organic. Essential oils such as lavender and eucalyptus, carrier oils such as Shea butter and cocoa butter has to be organically grown. Otherwise, you are no longer true to the claim of organic soap.

Based on my experience, the best method to use in how to make organic soap is the melt and pour, because you don't have to use lye; a chemical ingredient necessary to bind the fats and oil in making soap using cold process. This is for the simple reason that I am not quite sure there is such a thing as organic lye.

Once you get familiar with the basics of how to make organic soap, the next step is to experiment on various variants that give different kinds of benefits. Let's say for instance, moisturizing organic soap or those that are specifically made for oily skin. By knowing various ways of making benefit-oriented recipes, you can be assured of a lucrative organic soap business.

The internet is one very useful source of all these information. All you have to do is learn how to search for the right words and you will definitely get all the information you need on how to make organic soap and convert it to a lucrative home based business.

Anne Henry is an author and has been making natural soaps for over 12 years. She loves helping others to get started in this amazing hobby too. To get more useful tips about how to make organic soap or get a copy of her FREE 'Natural Soap Making' mini-course feel free to visit her site at Essential Soap Making Information

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Saturday, October 23, 2010

Fruit Baskets

A fruit basket is a great gift idea. A fruit basket, as the term implies, is a basket filled with fruits. Fruit baskets have gained popularity as gift items. The traditional fruit basket has changed in that many now contain a variety of things--edible or non-edible articles--that make ideal gifts. A basket can be filled with fruits including apples, mangoes, pears, oranges and grapes, to name a few. Since there are fruits of so many different colors and shape they look great arranged in a beautiful basket.

Fruit baskets also come in various shapes and sizes. They are decorated with items like ribbons and beads. There is a wide variety to choose from, and they are especially popular during the holiday season. You can buy a pre-assembled fruit basket from a store. Many shops offer you a choice of fruits and the basket design.

Nowadays, fruit baskets are even available on the Internet. There are various sites that offer a variety of fruit baskets at different prices. You can choose to give a fruit basket to anyone from the comfort of your home, knowing that the basket will be delivered right to the recipient's door. The only thing to be kept in mind when ordering online is to make sure you order well in advance to ensure delivery on time.

Fruit baskets are definitely a great gift for anybody you care about. With the growing concern among health-consciousness among people, fruit baskets will only grow in popularity as a gift item.

Fruit provides detailed information on Fruit, Tropical Fruit, Organic Fruit, Dried Fruit and more. Fruit is affiliated with Gourmet Fruit Gift Baskets.

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Friday, October 22, 2010

Growing Your Own Fruits And Vegetables In Your Own Organic Garden

If you want 100% organic fruits and vegetables, having your own garden can be a very good choice. This way, you can have total control over what goes into growing process. For instance, you can avoid using chemically high composts and fertilisers and choose to use organic ones.

One of the major factors for growing your own fruits and vegetables is the spot you choose to plant them. It is really crucial to pick a spot, where there is a lot of sunshine. Although there are different climate zones with different temperatures, each zone has their own unique selection to grow. So, as long as you do the things right according to where you live, you should be able to grow your own organic products.

Space is not limitation for growing fruits and vegetables

Yes that is right; you might have a big garden or very small plot. Even you might be living in a flat or house with no garden. There are many different gardening techniques and methods, which allow you to do you're gardening almost anywhere.

For instance container gardening will allow you to grow fruits and vegetables in a small garden, patio, and even balcony. Dwarf fruit trees can easily be grown within these containers. You can grow tomatoes, cucumbers, onions and selection of herbs in small pots.

Here are some advantages of container gardening:

·         As well as they allow you to grow your own organic vegies and fruits, they can also be a good decorative tool. Imagine having a dwarf apple tree with full of apples standing on the side of your small patio. How cool and beautiful it would look to the eyes.

·         They can be very easy to look after and maintained. As you will have your garden contained within a large pot, you don't have to worry about high maintenance jobs to keep your garden tidy.

·         They are very mobile and this is a huge advantage. You can easily change the position of your small container garden, if it doesn't receive enough sunshine. Also, if you ever move to a different location, you can take it with you.

So, whether you live in house with a big garden or in flat with no garden at all, there are various methods of gardening that would suit your circumstances. This way you can grow your own organic fruit and vegetables.

If you want to learn more about how to create your own organic garden to grow fruits, you can read more here at container gardening section.

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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Organic Vegetable Gardening

Before getting into the crux of organic vegetable gardening, let us firstly explore some compelling reasons why you should consider becoming involved with this multi-beneficial activity. Firstly it helps keep our planet green as it does not require the application of non-bio degradable toxic chemicals into the soil and watershed.

Secondly it does not require spraying everything to eradicate garden pests, many of which actually have beneficial traits that would otherwise be lost.

As a matter of fact organic gardening actually improves the land by enriching the soil with additives like organic compost, therefore contributing to an healthy, more diverse ecosystem on your property by introducing beneficial insects and other forms of natural pest control.

Clearly organic vegetable gardening can also be extremely rewarding. Not only do you and your family and friends get to savour the outcome of your labours by enjoying beautifully fresh organic vegetables, but also you know that the food is grown without pesticides, herbicides, or other synthetic chemicals. You are therefore making a significant contribution to protecting our beautiful planet.

Then there are the physical and therapeutic benefits: Spending any time in your garden is both healthy and relaxing and a great form of exercise. It widely accepted that there is no therapy quite like horticultural therapy.

Finally with the economy yet again showing its inevitable cyclical downside, what better way to insulate your budget against seasonally high vegetable and fruit prices by growing your own high quality and fresh supply?

Adopting an even more prosperous outlook you may even consider a cottage industry and grow produce for sale. Not only will you be saving money, you could go on and develop a very profitable home business.

So there you are, several great reasons to compel you to action? Let us summarise:

Organic vegetable gardening can improve the health of your family; save money and contribute to a prosperous lifestyle; maybe even become a profitable home business: Finally you will be making your own significant contribution to improving and keeping our planet green.

Organic vegetable gardening is not expensive and neither does it require a lot of space. If you want to experience the many benefits of your very own organic vegetable garden starting right now visit today.

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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Organic Debate

The debate as to whether Organically grown produce is better than fruit & vegetables grown using chemical pesticides and artificial growth stimulants has been on for decades.

Organic food refers to food items that are produced, manufactured and handled using organic means defined by certifying bodies such as the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) under its Organic Food Products Act.

Natural food, on the other hand, generally refers to food items that are not altered chemically or synthesized in any form. These are derived from plants and animals. Thus a natural food item is not necessarily organic and vice versa.

Experts will challenge that: There is no "conclusive evidence either way" concerning the health effects of pesticides.

Organic growers will tell you there is "No comparison between Organic and Non-Organic".

So who are we to believe?

Lets look at it from a logical point of view.

Non-Organic produce is grown using synthetic man made chemicals. Chemicals produced from materials originally derived from nature (originally organic) and chemically changed and modified to produce a "Synthetic chemical" that fulfils a purpose (Kills insects & disease, Artificially stimulates plant growth etc.

Organic Produce is grown using natural means. Things like - Crop rotation, Companion planting, Natural sprays, Animal manures, Composts & other natural means of production.

Ultimately the choice is yours. Do you want to eat Fruit & Vegetables, Meat and other food that is produced using synthetic chemicals, or would you prefer safer alternatives that have been produced the way nature intended.

You be the Judge.

Eric J. Smith is an Organic Gardener and passionate Environmentalist. He is dedicated to promoting the need for an Organic, Natural World. Find out more on Organic Personal Care Products here

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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Organic Food: Buying Smart at the Health Food Store

Buying organic food at the health food store can cost an arm and a leg, but if you want to enjoy the fresh taste of organic food without the high prices, there's good news. By shopping around you can enjoy organic foods without busting your monthly food budget. Here are a few tips to get you started enjoying organic food on the cheap.

Tip 1: Avoid buying organics at your "regular" supermarket; you'll almost always pay more at the big conventional food stores for organic products.

Tip 2: Do your research. You probably have more organic food choices in your area than you realize. Organic organizations are good places to start. A quick search online will help you locate groups in your area.

Tip 3: Two words: farmers' markets. Farmers' markets are good sources of fresh organic produce. And locally grown fruits and vegetable will always taste better than those that have been shipped thousands of miles in the back of a truck.

Tip 4: Purchase shares in a local agricultural CSA, or co-op program. In return for your investment, you'll receive regular boxes of fresh produce from the upcoming harvest.

Shares in a co-cop or CSA usually go for about $300 to $400 for a 6 month period. It's well worth the money!

Tip 5: Join buying clubs. This is a really good way to get great organic food on the cheap. Buying clubs usually offer between 30 to 40 percent off the market price.

Tip 6: Buy organic food in bulk. Buying in bulk can stretch your food dollar. For certain items, you can just grab the bulk containers, but make sure you have a cool, dry storage place for beans and lentils, etc.

Tip 7: Buy seasonal produce. The best time to buy any organic produce is the peak of its growing season.

There's more produce toward the apex of a fruit or vegetable's growing season, and this has a tendency to push prices down. Stock up on your favorite organic veggies and fruits during their high-season.

Tip 8: During the off-season, purchase preserved foods. In the winter, avoid high-priced fresh produce and buy canned or dried fruits, and veggies instead.

Organic peas and corn will hold up well, as will fruits like peaches and berries, to help you through the winter months.

Buying organic food and health food produce doesn't have to break your piggybank. Shopping smart and particularly, seasonal, will help you enjoy organic foods year-round, while sticking to your food budget.

Cody Greenlaw
If you want more information on Healthy Eating, please visit my website at

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Monday, October 18, 2010

Organic Gardening - The Natural Way

Organic gardening is the practice of growing vegetables, flowers and other plants with the use of only natural materials and methods. No man made chemicals are used. Organic gardening is more that just the use of natural materials it has to do with understanding the balances in nature and applying those to our gardening and farming endeavors and work in harmony with nature. Organic gardening is growing in popularity.

Organic gardening includes:

a) Proper planning

b) Soil preparation

c) Fertilizing

d) Irrigation

e) Mulching

f) Pest and weed control

Organic gardening requires a solid plan. First of all, one must decide if the quantity of what we grow can be consumed and /or stored for future use. Also, a location must be picked. The location should be a well drained plot of land with water nearby. The plot should be close to home with plenty of sunlight.

The plot of land should be prepared a few weeks in advance since organic fertilizers and soil conditioners are slow in working. The soil must be tilled (broken up) and made ready to accept the fertilizer. Part of the preparation is testing the soil to determine what kinds of fertilizer must be applied. Testing is done using a soil probe to take samples of the soil. The samples should be sent to a professional testing lab for a determination of what the soil needs to make it fit to grow your crops.

Animal manures can be used as fertilizer. Cow horse or hog manure should be applied at 25 pounds per 100 square feet. Poultry and sheep manure should be applied at the ratio of 12 pounds per 100 square feet and rabbits and goat manure at 10-12 pounds per 100 square feet. These fertilizers can be broadcast over the area or put beside each row to plants. The fertilizer then must be worked into the soil.

Organic fertilizer such as composted plant materials may be used in place of animal fertilizer. Compost material should be applied at a ratio of 25 pounds per 100 square foot. More is better. Depending on the completeness of the material, that is, it has or has not all of the required minerals needed for the soil; other types of commercially available phosphates, lime and other micro-based nutrient compounds may be needed. These fertilizers should be applied as designated on the packages. All fertilizers should well worked into the soil.

After all fertilizers are worked into the soil, the plot should be leveled, raked, and made ready for planting.

Plants should be irrigated thoroughly once a week. Surface sprinkling is not enough. The soil surrounding the entire root ball should be watered. Drip or trickle irrigation can be used and will conserve water. Soil conditioners and fertilizers help to maintain moisture in the soil. Mulching works well also.

Mulch is any material, usually organic, that is placed around the plant on the surface of the soil. Common mulch materials include leaves, lawn clippings, sawdust and pine needles. Mulch provides several benefits. It conserves soil moisture and nutrients and reduces soil erosion and weed growth. It also moderates soil temperature and reduces fruit loss.

Weeds are controlled through the use of cultivation. The weeds should be removed when they are small. Hoeing cuts out the weeds and does not harm roots. A thick mulch which keeps out light will also control weed growth.

Control of pests in organic gardening can be very difficult during times when infestations are high. However, there are various methods open to organic gardeners.These methods include utilizing varieties of resistant plants, friendly insects, mulching, organic insecticides, insecticide soaps and insect traps.

Organic gardening uses natural materials and methods to perform the basic gardening functions: planning, plot selection, preparation including soil testing, fertilizing, irrigation, mulching, and pest and weed control.

Organic gardening offers the benefit of keeping harmful chemicals away from the food we eat. Doing away with the chemicals also makes our environment safer. Other benefits can be cost savings over contemporary gardening and the satisfaction achieved from doing our part in cleaning up our environment.

Copyright © Larry Gildea, All Rights Reserved.

This article may be distributed freely on your website and in your ezines, as long as this entire article, copyright notice, links and the resource box are unchanged.

Dr. Larry Gildea has authored several articles on gardening. Dr. Gildea also created the Gardening Bonanza website, [] Gardening covers many types of gardening, including, bonsai design and cultivation, container gardening, flower gardening, rose gardening, hydroponics gardening and several others.

Friends Link : anolon advanced cookware set

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Easy Ways to Avoid Eating Fast Food

It seems everyone these days has a busy agenda and certainly when it comes to eating, healthy food is not usually on the agenda.

The secret to eating healthily is planning. It is no good rushing out of the house in the morning and hoping that you pick up something good as you rush out of the door.

It just will not happen, as usual you will grab the first thing to hand or just opt to buy your lunch as usual.

The truth of the matter is, there is no need to give up healthy eating just because you are busy, but you do need to plan in time to prepare healthy meals, the best time is in the evening. Prepare your meal then put it in the fridge ready for the next day.

With a good healthy diet, you will be much better able to handle the stress of daily living, organic food can really help you here as it will provide a greater concentration of nutrients per pound than regular food.

Even if you frequently have to eat in restaurants, it's still possible to have a healthy meal. You just have to pay attention to the portions, and choosing the right kinds of food like salads, and other dishes containing fresh fruits and vegetables.

Whenever possible, it's best to stay away from heavy meals, like hamburgers and French fries. They may be tempting but they will help to pack on the extra pounds faster than you can eat them.

Waiting around in airports can be stressful and boring, which is why it's important not to sit around and eat just because there's nothing better to do. Eat when you're actually hungry, and not from pure boredom.

If you spend a lot of time in your car, it would be a good idea to keep some healthy snacks handy at all times, like organic fresh fruit, vegetables or nuts.

Using this method you will find it much easier to pass by the fast food places as you will not be hungry and so less tempted.

If your house is like mine then the most hectic times of the day are first thing in the morning and early evening when everyone comes home.

You really need to find time to have a decent breakfast, it really is the most important meal of the day and is crucial to people who are trying to lose weight. Those in particular must have a healthy breakfast to start the day right.

In summary, if you plan into your day some time to prepare healthy meals in advance and buy some fruit to keep in the car and in preparation for long journeys then it really is possible to give the fast food restaurants a miss.

Your body really will thank you for it and you will feel better and more alive as a result.

Finally, take a look around at your local supermarket for organic food options. If you lead a fast life then organic options will help to keep you more healthy and energetic.

Virginia Louise is an organic food enthusiast. She firmly believes in free education in health and offers 7 free organic recipes and information to visitors to her web site.

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Saturday, October 16, 2010

How To Grow Organic Broad Beans?

The widest broad beans, for spring sowing and a fine flavour, are the `Windsors' Green or White. The shortest is the 'Sutton', which grows foot-high bushes for windy gardens, and the hardiest and narrowest, for October and November sowing and picking before the peas, are the 'Longpod' varieties.

The beans that beanfeasters ate with the bacon and boiled beef of Old England were not the modern butter beans, which came with French and runners from Peru following the conquest of that country, but these 'Longpod' broad beans, which supplied the concentrated vegetable protein that made horses friskily 'full of beans'.

There are about 200 seeds in a pint of broad beans, enough for 150 feet of double row, so a half-pint packet is sufficient for most gardens. The seed keeps for a second season, but there is a risk of gaps in the rows if it is kept longer. Any seed that is over-age can be soaked for twenty-four hours and cooked in winter stews.

The flavor of dry broad beans is different, and once their skins have been removed by putting them in an electric liquidizer or by rubbing them through a sieve, they make excellent brown Windsor soup. The best kind to sow in extra rows for harvesting as a year's supply of Old English butter beans is Fenland Green 'Longpod' or its white-seeded companion, which combines the Windsor taste with hardiness.

Because beans are potash-greedy and the chocolate spot fungus attacks them when they are underfed, dig in a barrow-load of compost and 1 lb. of wood ashes to every four square yards before sowing. Sow in three-inch-deep trowel holes eight inches apart along the garden line. Move the line eight inches down the garden and sow a second row with the beans facing the gaps. These pairs of staggered rows support each other, and should have thirty-inch picking room between them.

When the young shoots are up three inches, heap the soil round the stems in three-inch-high ridges, so that if there is a savage spring the beans can shoot again from the base. Take out the growing points with about eight inches of stem when the plants are three feet tall and remove the side shoots for the earliest cropping. The 'Sutton' needs merely pinching in its single rows of low 'bushes' that bristle with pods.

Clear whole roes for eating in May and June, cutting oil the plants for good compost material. Follow up with Brussels sprouts which appreciate the nitrogen from the bean roots and their un-dug soil. When the pods of the remaining beans turn black and split, they are ready for podding. They will keep up to five years without loss of flavor.

This autumn sowing usually misses the 'blight' or blackfly, the bean's worst enemy; because it is toughened by winter and you have removed the young growth the 'blight' needs to start on; but March sowings for July and August picking usually suffer. In the evening, when the bees are asleep, spray with liquid pyrethrum, which will have killed the blackfly and lost its poison by morning, when the bees will be on the blossom again. Broad beans picked small and eaten pods and all are delicious, and from the November sowing are ready well before the early peas.

Check out More useful tips on how to grow organic vegetables at Organic Vegetable Gardening.

Find out more things about alternative healing and holistic medicine. Check out Alternative Holistic Medicine for more information.

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Friday, October 15, 2010

Skin Care with Juice

Good Skin and a Healthy Body

Beautiful skin starts from the inside out. Drinking plenty of water, a healthy diet of organic raw fruit and vegetable juice, and following a plan for exercise and adequate sleep are helpful in maintaining healthy and radiant skin. Keep skin hydrated and moisturized by drinking plenty of fresh juice. Your body does not produce or repair collagen when it is dehydrated. Many articles addressing hydration recommend consuming 6 to 8 glasses of water a day. Adding raw food and juice to your diet improves our overall health, by cleansing your body while revitalizing your skin. Raw foods are uncooked fruit and vegetables in their natural state with enzymes intact. Heating food above 105 degrees Fahrenheit destroys the enzymes as well as vitamins and minerals. A drained enzyme supply can result in vitamin and mineral deficiencies and premature aging. When you have more raw food nutrition you usually see an improvement in you skin and look younger. Drinking juice packed with nutrients and antioxidants is one way to improve skin smoothness. Antioxidants in raw food can counteract free radicals that age your skin.

Juice Based Skin Remedies

The latest in skin care is to be more careful about what you consume rather than trying to put lotion or cream on your skin. Feeding your skin from within with nutritious juice builds a more youthful looking skin. Juicing recipes as a treatment for lasting skin care usually call for fresh or preferably organic fruit and vegetables. Energy boosting fresh juices have rejuvenating properties & powerful healing properties that cure many skin problems. Drinking fresh juice regularly helps cleanse the organs and can lead to a softer, healthier skin. The skin is your body's largest organ, and caring for skin is achieved by a diet which combines healthy food and fresh juices. Blueberry and Pomegranate juice are legendary in their antioxidant properties.

Champion Juicer - Your Health Buddy

Fresh juice provides a healthy option, and the best juice is fresh homemade juice! In fact juice from a masticating juicer is a great choice. This juice provides maximum nutrients and is tastier too! For your best nutrition don't get lazy and have packaged or chemically enhanced fast food. Other juicers, such as centrifugal juicers may make less effective juice since they can discard some fiber and micro nutrients. The Champion juicer, built since 1955, is one of the best masticating juicers available.

This popular masticating juicer is powerful and famous for its durability, reliability and real integrity. Manufactured by Plastaket Manufacturing Co. in California, this juicer is backed-up with a 10 year limited warranty. You can use lots of different juice recipes with a Champion Juicer to make your juice blend. Or just make up your own juice recipe.

Champion juicers chew the fibers and break up the cells of vegetables and fruits. What you get is a great health drink that gives you more fiber, enzymes, vitamins and trace minerals. Your health benefits from this sweet dark, rich colored juice with a full-bodied flavor.

To obtain more information about Champion Juicers go to []

[] is an ecommerce business marketing a masticating juicer. The Champion Juicer is a fruit and vegetable juicer. And drinking fresh fruit and vegetable juice may improve or maintain your good health.

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Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Three Week Detox Program - 21 Days to Health

Because a body constantly bombarded by such foods and beverages, and by the polluted air of an industrialized environment, is likely to be a body overwhelmed by having to isolate and neutralize the toxins in all of them to prevent damage to its own cells.

And for far too many of us, our bodies' cleansing systems have simply been short-circuited by too many toxins from too many sources. So we end up suffering from fatigue, sore joints, headaches, respiratory infections, sluggish digestion, allergies, soaring cholesterol, and a host of other symptoms of a body clogged with accumulated toxins.

What is A Detox Program?

A detox program is one means of flushing all those built-up toxins from your tissues so that your health will be restored on a cellular level, and there are a wide rang of detox program available. Not all of us, however, are suitable candidates for a detox program. You can learn if a detox program is an acceptable option for you by having a physical checkup and getting the go-ahead from your doctor before you begin. If you suffer from a chronic illness, you may not have the physical resources to withstand a detox program.

Following a detox program will require you to eat only fresh organic fruits and vegetables and specific organic herbs while cleansing your body. You can choose the length of your detox program depending on the severity of your symptoms, but they range from as little as three days to as long as a year.

A typical three week t detox program will recommend that you begin your days with a cup of purified lukewarm water into which the freshly squeezed juice of half a lemon has been mixed.

A Typical Three Week Detox Program

For the first week of your three week detox program, after you have finished your "lemonade," and a quarter or half an hour before you eat breakfast, have apiece of fresh organic fruit. For breakfast itself you can eat an organic whole grain cereal (except wheat or corn) like brown rice, buckwheat, millet, or amaranth. Mid morning and mid-afternoon snacks can be lightly roasted vegetables or more fresh fruits.

For lunch and dinner you can have salads or any combination of lightly cooked organic veggies and you can drink organic herbal tea through out the day and at bedtime. You will be eliminating all refined sugar and flour, alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, red meats, and dairy products form your life during your detox program.

The second week of this detox program will let you add fresh fruit and vegetable juices to speed the detoxification process. And on the final week of third detox program, you will stop eating all solid fruits and vegetables, drinking only freshly prepared fruit and vegetable smoothies to relive the burden on your digestive system, and to speed up your cellular recovery. When you've completed your three weeks, keep up the good work by adopting a lifestyle free of as many toxins as possible, eating organic foods and drinking filtered water.

You can also find more info on detox center. is a comprehensive resource which provide information about Diet.

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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Acne Program - Step 6 - Juices You Should Be Drinking

Drinking fruit juices help to bring vitamins and minerals quickly into your blood where they can supply what is necessary for acne free skin. Minerals quickly neutralize skin acids and bring the skin pH back to normal - slightly acidic.

Fresh juices have antibacterial action and contain digestive enzymes that help you digest protein and fat.

Because of the vitamins, minerals, digestive enzymes, pure water, and nutrients that juices have, they have the power to cleanse your body of toxic wastes.

Here are some juices to drink that will keep your face free of acne.

Apple juice

Drink at least 2 glasses of this juice every day. Apple juice has a high level of minerals and vitamins, which makes it ideal for skin health.

Apricot - berry juice

Mix equal parts of apricot and berry juice and add a little honey to taste. Drink one cup in the morning. Place the other two glasses into a thermos and drink one more glass at noon and one at dinner.

Cherry juice

Cherry juice is a powerful drink, because it has so many minerals. It will make your body more alkaline by neutralizing acid waste in the blood, in the lymph liquid and wherever it goes. It will also help keep you regular.

Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is one of the best juices you can drink for your skin health. It contains many minerals, which will eliminate acid waste. Lemon juice will help constipation, liver disorders, reduce mucus accumulation, improve digestion, reduce infections, and help to clear skin disorders like acne.

One way I use lemon juice is to squeeze the juice of one lemon into 16 oz water and drink it during the day.


Melon juice is also an excellent drink for acne. It is almost a perfect food in that it has many vitamins and minerals. It is most helpful with constipation, kidney disorders and skin disorders.

Orange and grapefruit

Prepare half and half of orange and grapefruit juice using a hand juicer. The flavor is extremely tasty. The combination of these two fresh fruits will give you a powerful start in the morning. They will give you a vitamin C boost with plenty of flavanoids and minerals.

These combined fruits will cleanse your intestinal tract, help in blood disorders, liver disorders, lung disorders and skin infections.

Orange and lemon juice

Mix 3 parts of orange juice with one part lemon juice. Add a little water and honey and put into a thermos. Drink the juice all day long for glowing skin.

Lemon juice helps the skin to rejuvenate and grow new skin. It helps the skin to flake off old skin and improve the skin's metabolism.

Other juices to drink

There are many other fruit juices to drink. Here are a few more.

* Peach juice
* Pear juice
* Pineapple juice
* Prune juice
* Strawberry juice

Try to use organic fruit when making your juice. It is better to make your own juices since most bottled juice contain no life force or natural live enzymes. Drink the juices soon after you juice them. If you want, put them in a thermos for later in the day. Drink them within 2-3 hours. If you can't make your own juice, the buying bottle juices is second best for clearing your acne.

Here's a great free deal...go get a free copy of Top 67 Foods for great skin then go get information on how to get rid of acne here: Acne Program

Tags : cuisinart chef's classic 10-piece cookware set

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

2 Years on Raw Paleo Diet Testimonial

Raw Paleo Diet is the original human diet before agriculture. Raw Paleo Diet is raw fruit, raw vegetables and raw organic / wild fatty animal food. The theory is that the human body is one of nature's best creations. We are self healing and always healthy given the original human diet. As a foundation to curing most diseases, sticking to a raw paleo diet every day will bring dramatic, sustainable results.

My raw paleo diet adventure came about with my desperate search for the cure for everything that afflicted me. The challenges to my life always needed a solution. Being trained as an engineer, a computer geek, a problem solver, led me to finding ultimate solutions or else.

Born in 1969, I grew up just like every urban kid on baby formula, drugs, some fast food, lots of cooked food and following the debunked food pyramid of high cooked carbs and low fat.

When I was a child I was diagnosed with asthma and doctors prescribed anti-histamine drugs. When I had cystic acne at 16, dermatologists bombarded me with steroid injections and creams. Finally one decided I should take an experimental drug called Ro-Accutane. We had to go to the drug company main office and sign a waiver for their drug was experimental and severe side effects were possible.

In 2004 while visiting the beaches of Boracay I got bit by sandflies and suffered for 2 whole years of itching all over my arms and legs. After months on steroid injections and steroid creams, I gave up and just let it be and in 2006 the suspected leishmaniasis went away.

All throughout my life I had foliculitis, got red splotches on my body when I took a bath, got easily faintly tired with strenuous activity, had heart burns, left rotation shoulder pain, was hospitalized for various unknown viral diseases and had some heart murmur called mitral valve prolapse and became obese at 170 pounds and wore 38″ waistline pants.

Beginning with my spouse and I's secondary infertility adventure in 2002 led us to clean up our diet eliminating junk foods and eliminating anything not edible from being put on our skin and throwing away the microwave oven. And using raw oysters to increase sperm counts.

In the same 2002 while trying to conceive I came down with an unknown viral illness, was hospitalized for 3 days, then suffered from chronic fatigue syndrome for 1 month. The heart doctor who ordered a battery of tests said nothing came out of the tests so he wanted to shape my heart by prescribing a heart shaping medicine called beta blockers but it may kill off my erections! This was so unacceptable to my core personality as I only had one child and my life goal was at least more than 4. I sternly refused the drugs and found out that by merely eliminating all sources of caffeine I was able to cure myself in 3 weeks.

When my 2nd child was born in September 2003 I was obese at 170 pounds, I desperately wanted to lose weight to look sexy enough to have more children. I blindly attempted to follow a cooked Atkins diet. I then sought the teachings of a mainstream western medicine nutritionist and she taught me the way to reduce weight was to reduce the starches and up the vegetables. I did lose weight and maintained some 140 pounds for some time. But I still was not healthy.

In 2003 a small eczema began on my lower right leg, it was a good itch, I paid no mind to it. It became full blown in middle of 2005 I had full blown eczema with the size of a steak on my right leg, on my whole face, my ears, my left arm. I was a mess, I could not work, I could not go out, all 5 doctors I saw told me I was INCURABLE and I was going to be this way for the rest of my life.

The incurable diagnosis was unacceptable for me. I was always the open minded type. No DOGMA was my motto in life. I'm an engineer, a problem solver, if these so called "doctors" said I was incurable, it only meant THEY DID NOT KNOW the cure and that their common educational foundation was AMISS. I had to find people who DID KNOW the cure... NON-DOCTORS so I drove to a far away town where there were NO western medical doctors, and my true health learning journey began with a 3rd generation herbalist named Manang Lorna.

I learned about electro-medicine, herbs and detoxing: kidney cleanses, liver flushes, colon cleanses and many other cleanses which eliminated my eczema symptoms. Free of eczema symptoms. But I wanted more. I wanted vibrant health. I knew there was more and I wanted to be healthy so bad I just had to learn more. All detox and no diet change meant no real cure.

In 2007 I had stumbled onto raw veganism through Dr. Tam Mateo. I tried 2 months of raw veganism his way, his recipes, his consultation, but I got too thin and finally gave up raw veganism. I added cooked meat and rice again to my diet and to gain weight.

I was then ready for fasting and I tried a 14 day orange juice fast under the tutelage of Barefoot Herbalist MH. It was an eye opener. I got rid of cooked meat and rice addiction. I was ready to try raw fruitarian. And I did try raw fruitarian which only lasted me 2 months. I was getting thinner on raw fruitarian than raw vegan plus I felt cold and I was living in a tropical country, in warm Manila at 25 to 30 degrees celcius. What finally knocked me to stop the fruitarian madness was when I asked for support as to when my cold feelings would stop. A long time fruitarian said it would take 5 years! That did it, I had to find something else.

I stumbled onto the Wai Diet by Wai Genriiu (A form of Raw Paleo Diet). It was an easy step from fruitarian to Wai Diet, just add extra virgin olive oil and raw fish sashimi and raw egg yolks to my tropical fruits. Bam! Instant feeling of good health! I gained sane enough weight from 112 to 120 pounds on Wai Diet. The addition of raw meat to my meat less 4 months was a life giving breath to my health.

After 3 months on Wai Diet I got bored with just sea food, why not try land animals? I stumbled onto Aajonus Vonderplanitz who went on and on about the benefits of raw land animals, raw beef, raw chicken, plus raw dairy.

I needed some hand holding, some support to get me started and I found Geoff Purcell (in the UK) at very accessible. He and Craig Bates started up Raw Paleo Forum which was very helpful for newbies like me.

I experimented with various raw land animals with duck, chicken, goat, lamb, frogs and liked raw organic grass fed beef the best... the legendary grass fed Batangas beef with yummy yellow fat is true! I experimented with many kinds of raw dairy from goat, cow and carabao and all failed, I just could not digest dairy, I realized I was lactose intolerant. My tummy also disagreed with raw green juicing.

I got curious about the Homo Optimus Diet involving cooked pork, I made my one month experiment and felt my health was inferior on cooked meat compared to raw meat.

I found out that on raw paleo diet of organic fruit and raw fatty organic animal foods, I never got sick for a whole year. I felt invincible. This was a first for me, going on and on everyday expecting not to get sick. The only times I felt sick were the times I tried eating a non-raw paleo diet. Plus for the first time I've got bicep muscles on my arms and I'm a sedentary computer geek. Gosh, that talk about eating raw meat will make you put on muscles without gym exercises are true.

In 2009 I shifted to a high fat low carb raw paleo diet and I found it to be even more comfortable. Gone were the shaky hungry feelings characterized by hypoglycemia which I thought was normal throughout my life when every meal time comes.

Raw paleo diet is the easiest diet I have been on although high quality organic fruit and organic meat is expensive. Raw Paleo Diet is even easier than regular SAD or cooked paleo diet. Being free from the shackles of cooking is a dream that must be experienced. It seems I have found "home" as raw paleo diet is so easy even a caveman can do it.

To even further my access to the best foods possible I moved my company office to Cubao, just beside my favorite wet market "Farmers Market" for daily fresh marketing.

My diet these days is a high raw fat, low carb diet composed of:

* raw organic low glycemic local fruits in season - high vitamin C fruits (guava, papaya, indian mangoes), hydrating fruits (watermelon, melon), fatty fruits (durian, coconuts) we follow the seasons

* raw fertilized duck eggs flown in from Palawan

* raw grass fed fatty Batangas beef and sometimes raw goat or raw lamb

* various raw sea food like oysters, clams, small and big fish, sea prawns, etc.

* No supplements. No supplements can match the power of real food.

Raw paleo diet and its variants is curative. My own small children have experienced eating raw paleo diet themselves. When the kids are sick I put them on a raw paleo diet same as mine, they know the cure for their illness is RAW because they experience immediate relief. The kids know who the healthiest person at home is these days.

At the end of this year 2009 I will have been 2 years on raw paleo diet and I now weigh a more respectable 128 pounds with a short height of 5′5″ and 31″ waistline pant size. Always expecting to achieve new health heights over the next years as I fine tweak and continually adjust. All my health issues have been resolved. It has only been these 2 years I have ever felt truly healthy.

Today at 40 years old I look younger, slimmer and have more strength than when I was 30. It is on raw paleo diet that I realized that humans were meant to be healthy and stay healthy, effortlessly.

Edwin Casimero is an "everything that works" altruistic healer. He has helped friends and family get well from eczema, psoriasis, heart disease, acne, diabetes, obesity, infertility, cancer, pneumonia, acid reflux, kidney problems, yeast infections, and more. He has authored many websites that educate people how to cure themselves with self tested methods that are safe, cheap and effective. Visit his central website that ties all his websites together at []

Friends Link : lodge logic pre seasoned 17 inch cast iron skillet

Monday, October 11, 2010

A New Way of Looking at Things With Backyard Fruit Exchanges

You had a great time creating your garden in your backyard. The melons you wanted to grow this year have really done well. They are sweet and delicious, too! But, you have so many; you don't know what to do with them all! Rather than letting them go bad before you and your family have a chance to eat them all, there is another option: Fruit Exchange.

The barter system has been around as long as there have been goods to be exchanged. Long ago, if someone had a bounty of tomatoes (or other product from their garden), they could use them to purchase other things they needed, such as flour or candles, or whatever they were in need of. It worked during that time because they used the goods that they had and the bartering worked. However, after time went on and economies changed, people found that they did not always have a product with which to barter. That is where currency became necessary to use to purchase goods, rather than bartering for them. Although today, we usually exchange money for goods, in some places the barter system is still in use. You might be thinking I am talking about a third world country or an impoverished village, but I'm not. The barter system is again being used in the United States, but in a different way than it had been used in the past.

In some areas, people are forming neighborhood fruit exchanges. This is where you bring your excess fruit (and other produce) that you have grown and exchange it for other foods that you need. Your excess becomes your way to gain what you need! This exchange is a great idea... no wasting food anymore! Additionally, there are charities doing wonderful things with this system also, such as collecting people's excess backyard fruit and taking it to homeless shelters, where they do not often have the luxury of fresh produce to eat.

One of these exchanges is the Alameda Fruit Exchange and they feel that this sharing is a way to help a community become more close-knit and cohesive, while allowing everyone the delicious opportunity to share some backyard-grown produce.

This is a wonderful idea for many. Rather than having to throw away foods that cannot be consumed because there are simply too many, you can rest assured that the food you worked hard to grow is able to be consumed and not wasted. So, if you find you have some excess produce from your garden this season, rather than letting it go bad because you cannot eat it all fast enough, check to see if you can trade it. If there are no fruit exchanges in your area, maybe you could look into starting your own or donate your excess to a shelter or children's home or somewhere else that would love to have it.

Also, for all of us fruit lovers... a great gift idea might be to make your own fruit gift basket or order one online. Thanksgiving Day is great time to send an organic fruit basket to a loved one or bring to dinner as a thank you gift to your host and/or hostess - this is a thoughtful and healthy Thanksgiving gift! Give fresh, give fruit!

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Sunday, October 10, 2010

Natural Weight Loss With Essential Oils

Using essential oils or (plant oils) for helping to lose weight naturally will greatly help your body in its battle with fat. Essential oils are great for using as aromatherapy and massages or baths. Here is a small list of some very good essential oils which help promote natural weight loss, each plant oil has its own unique properties which help it in the fight for weight control.

Essential oils are best used as aromatherapy or as massages or as scents in baths, they are great for stimulating the scenes and brain functions and also seep into the skin and tissues when used as massages and taken in baths. Using a diffuser is also a good way to use plant oil around the house.

Use Caution when buying plant oil. On today's market it is very easy to buy diluted essential oils and then they will not work properly. I recommend going to I buy all my essential oils from them. Look for Organic essential oils if you can they are the best.

PINK GRAPEFRUIT (Citrus paradisi) essential oil is a great essence for uplifting your spirit, boosting your self esteem and is excellent for regulating and treating eating disorders. It is used to help reduce your appetite and also increase digestion and metabolism.

LEMON (Citrus limonum) essential oil is another great appetite suppressant. It activates your fat burning cells and helps you lose weight by increasing your metabolism. Lemmon essence also helps stimulate blood and lymph circulation helping to cleanse the body of toxins. Another great property Lemmon essential oil has is that it has a huge impact on the brain. Researches shows it mainly works on the hippocampus and left part of our brain which controls our eating habits, our longing for sweets, chocolates ect. Taking Lemmon essential oil will greatly help us to control our eating habits.

SWEET ORANGE (Citrus sinensis) is great for the use of helping your body with better circulation and lymphatic systems and help increase the rate of our metabolism so we start to lose fat easily.

SWEET FENNEL (Foeniculum vulgare) is another appetite suppressant, it helps in many things besides weight loss, it helps dispel gas, increases metabolism, balances your hormones, helps a better digestion.

BERGAMOT (Citrus bergamia Risso) this plant oil is mainly used to help uplift depression and make it easier to relax. What better way to lose weight when you have no anxiety or depression to way you down. Self-esteem issues can be a big problem for some people trying to lose weight and Bergamot as well as Geranium essential oil helps greatly in this regard.

Acharya D Hargreaves, is a published author of two health books, Digest Alive Lose Weight and build a great body Naturally, Digest Alive The Natural Cure to Heartburn and the owner of a website dedicated to helping overweight and obese people with their weight problems.

"Obesity and Overweight issues are signs that our bodies are unbalanced, to naturally Lose weight quickly and keep it off, we need to make our bodies feel the need to balance themselves out, when this happens we will lose weight fast and keep it off." He says.

In his spare time he likes to do 3D modeling and work with Art and writing, Acharya D Hargreaves lives on an Organic fruit orchard with his wonderful family.

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Saturday, October 9, 2010

Amazon Thunder Pure Organic Acai Fruit Benefits

Acai has a number of benefits, including antioxidants, fiber, fatty acids, and proteins. The antioxidants from Acai are ten to thirty times that of red wine and more than twice that of blueberries. It's known to have the best nutritional value of any fruit on the planet, earning it the title of "super berry."

The Amazon "super berry" has gained recognition in the media, including television and magazines. There are several companies and websites that offer Acai products. Some products contain Acai exclusively, while others use it in combination with other ingredients. Acai shows up in fruit drinks and in powder form as health and energy products.

With all the popularity in recent years, the benefits of the Acai berry is widely unknown. People of the Amazon have long experienced the benefits of Acai to fight disease, strengthen the immune system, fight infection, protect the heart, and provide overall health and healing. These same benefits of this "super berry" are now available to health-minded individuals through taking Amazon Thunder.

Acai is a complete food source and contains an abundance of nutrients necessary for restoring and maintaining optimum health. Acai contains amino acids and vital trace elements important for muscle contraction and regeneration. Acai's nutrients, including a large amount of natural lipids, provide needed energy to tackle competitive sports and daily chores. Acai contains more protein than the average egg. Proteins are the primary component of hormones and body tissues, including muscles and organs.

The Acai berry can help to regulate your stress levels and repair your body. Acai's anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties can counter infertility due to stress, pollution and factors related to free radicals. Acai's immune-system-strengthening qualities help protect the entire body. Acai has been used for centuries to cleanse the body from contaminants. The regenerative nutrients and strong antioxidants in Acai help keep our cells operating efficiently and may slow aging.

By boosting the immune system, Acai's rich nutrient profile helps boost the body's natural defenses. Recent findings published in the International Journal of Sports Medicine indicate that Acai's beta-sitosterol prevents immune suppression and modulates the lymphocyte activity. Free radical damage is one of the primary causes of immune weakness or dysfunction. Acai can reduce the frequency of infectious diseases. Acai's antioxidant properties help prevent damage to DNA, which lowers the risks posed by carcinogens and mutagens.

Acai possesses high concentrations of polyphenols, making it an excellent source of antioxidants. Some polyphenols abundant in Acai are anthocyanins, some of the more potent forms of antioxidants. Other polyphenols in Acai, antho-cyanin and cyanidin-3-glucoside, may improve the production of nitric oxide in endothelial cells. Nitric oxide allows blood vessel walls to relax and expand, resulting in less stress on the heart, decreased risk of vessel blockage, and increased blood flow. The antioxidant punch of Acai may also be a powerful weapon in the fight against benign prostatic hyperplasia, commonly known as an enlarged prostate.

Acai is rich in essential fatty acids, which may help reduce harmful LDL cholesterol while supporting levels of the beneficial HDL cholesterol. In diabetes weak capillaries can lead to a condition called retinopathy, which often leads to blindness. The anthocyanins in Acai protect small and large blood vessels, including veins, arteries and capillaries.

Acai's low glycemic index improves glucose and lipid levels in diabetics. Acai's low glycemic index also helps control appetite and delay hunger, which can help individuals trying to lose weight.

Acai provides dietary fiber, excellent for digestive tract health, high levels of calcium, vitamins A and E, and phosphorus. Acai has a significant amount of calcium, which help strengthen bones, prevent fractures, and can help prevent osteoporosis. Women who experience extreme menstrual pain can also benefit from Acai. Calcium-rich foods help coat the lining of the stomach and uterus, and help reduce the pain from cramps and bloating.

Acai's dietary fiber helps promote the health of the digestive tract, including the colon. The broad array of antioxidants in Acai may help protect and repair the lower esophagus damaged by acid-reflux disease. Acai's acid-suppression effects reduce the acidity of stomach contents when reflux does occur. The antibacterial properties of Acai kill bad bacteria, fungi and parasites, including ulcer-causing bacteria. Acai's anti-inflammatory abilities may prevent the malabsorption of vital nutrients by preventing damage to the wall of the small intestine.

Acai's phytosterols help reduce the erosion of the skin's protective coating. Because it's so high in anthocyanins and phytosterols, Acai helps protect connective tissues, including collagen. Acai acts as an astringent which contract, shrink or tighten body tissues, including skin. Astringents can be used to stop bleeding in small cuts or to give the skin a fresh, tingling feeling.

Modern science is discovering the life-enhancing benefits of the Amazon "super berry". Research indicates that Acai can help neutralize free radicals, prevent heart disease, thwart cancer, and much more.

Acai contains powerful nutrients, which combine unique properties and ingredients in a single product. There's no other fruit that can be compared with the effectiveness of Acai and no product on the market that can compete with the quality of Amazon Thunder.

Mike Mallek owns Health and Beauty Net, the Source of Cutting-Edge Health Supplements. "We are part of the aging baby-boomer crowd and we maintain that you can't fight old age, but you can control how and in what condition you arrive at your impending destination. It's our goal to give you the tools to enhance your life quality through superior, wholesome, pure and natural health supplements." Health and Beauty Net can be reached on the web at .

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Thursday, October 7, 2010

Detox Drinks For a 7 Day Detox Diet

It is well worth buying a juicer whether you're on a detox or not, for the mega doses of vitamins and minerals that fresh juice can deliver in one hit. You will not get the same benefits from shop-bought 'freshly squeezed' juices; orange juice, for example, starts to lose its vitamin content seven minutes after being squeezed.

Have fun experimenting

You don't get all the fiber of the fruit and veg when you juice them, but the vitamin content is more than you would get otherwise because - let's face it - who would eat eight oranges in one sitting? Not many of us, but a large glass of juice might contain the juice of eight oranges.

Buy a juicer with a removable filter so you don't have to clean the whole mechanism every time. Buy organic fruit and vegetables where possible, and clean, peel, deseed and chop them before putting them in the juicer.

Experiment with your favorite ingredients to come up with your own recipes, or try the following:

Veg-based combinations

3 carrots, 2 fennel stalks and half a lemon
3 carrots, 2 celery stalks, 1 inch piece of fresh root ginger and half an apple
3-4 carrots, 1-2 celery stalks and a small wedge of cabbage
1 green pepper, 1 red pepper, 3 celery stalks, half cucumber and 5 lettuce leaves
5 handfuls spinach, 1 cucumber and 2 carrots
1 beetroot, 2 carrots, a small handful of spinach, 2 tomatoes and a squeeze of fresh lime juice
5 carrots, 1 apple and half a beetroot
Half head of broccoli, a handful of watercress, a handful of parsley, 1 stick of celery and half a fresh pineapple
4-5 carrots, half a lemon, 1 apple, small wedge of red cabbage and a small piece of fresh root ginger
3 celery stalks, a handful of spinach, 2 asparagus stalks and 1 large tomato
A large leaf each of kale and collard, a handful of parsley, 1 celery stalk, 1 carrot, half red pepper, 1 tomato and 1 large broccoli floret

Some Fruit-based combinations

2 apples, 2 pears and a 1 inch piece of fresh root ginger
A handful of blueberries, handful of raspberries, 1 apple and 2 nectarines
1 orange, 1 mango and 1 kiwi fruit
12 strawberries and 4-5 carrots
A large slice of watermelon, a cup of ripe strawberries and the juice and zest of 1 lime
2 oranges, 4 carrots and a 1 inch piece of fresh root ginger
A large bunch of seedless grapes, 1 apple and some fresh mint leaves


To turn your fruit-based juice into a smoothie, just add some live natural yoghurt. Alternatively, for a fruit-based milkshake, you can add a non-dairy soya, rice or almond milk - although none of these would be allowed on a juice-based fast or 7 day detox [] diet. Always drink your juices and shakes immediately to gain the maximum nutritional value.

By following a 3 or 7 day detox diet every few months you will be improving so many different areas of your health and body it will make your head spin. Better complexion, younger looking skin, weight loss and even improve your sex life. Get the latest natural detox tips and get started today.

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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Organic Gardening

There are as many definitions of organic as there are farmers in Iowa. So it is up to you to select your own level of purity and focus. You may choose to be absolutely chemical-free or to accept some level of commercial intervention. Much will depend upon your available time as well as your willingness to get down and dirty with the gross and smelly.

Any organic intervention in your life is better than none, so take the information that fits your needs and begin. Who knows? That first step into the world of independent gardening may free you enough to catapult you into full-fledge organic farming at its best.


What is considered one man's garbage is another man's treasure. For organic purists composting is almost canon, although not absolutely necessary for organic gardening. Because it is messy and aromatic, some may choose to purchase composted soil or products already composted rather than to learn this age-old method.

The process of composting is the science of decomposition in a controlled environment, such as a big garbage can, a 5 ft. x 5 ft. hole in the ground, or an expensive purchased drum that turns automatically. It provides a faster process of breaking down once-living matter into enriched soil and nutrients perfect for the health of your garden. The compost gardener does all possible to recycle appropriate wastes of any living matter, along with a healthy supply of bacteria (purchased or naturally available in the soil from hard work and time.)

To compost, use and accumulate all fruit, vegetable, and grain scraps throughout the year. Yes, this takes time and might not produce a parfum de toilet that tickles your nose, but you will reap the benefits by producing fruits and vegetables that are packed full of the vitamins and minerals your body needs. Recycling left-over food wastes, leaves, grasses and hay is at the core of organic gardening at its finest and well worth the effort.

Compost must be turned faithfully to oxygenate the matter. The oxygen is required to heat and decompose the food into nutrients and soil in a timely manner. Without the oxygen that is provided by turning, the material will have to take its natural time to change into soil. Although this is acceptable, many gardeners want to use the recycled wastes within the next six months and are willing to put in the biweekly labor of turning the compost. Some may roll the drum of "brown gold" around the yard while others may enjoy turning it by hand with a pitchfork.


Without fertilizing additives (natural or chemical), plants will be stunted and unhealthy. Organic gardeners may use compost to augment the nutrients in the soil and to improve the texture and good bacteria, but most compost should not totally replace fertilizing additives. Cynthia Boruff, a gardener of fifty years, told us that she annually adds to her garden: compost, chicken manure, alfalfa tea (after the plants are at least six inches tall), and her special formula for fertilizer.

"Since I do not rely on commercial chemical fertilizers, I vary my organic methods to insure a broader spectrum of nutrients," states Cynthia. "My formula that replaces purchased fertilizer is a combination of blood meal, bone meal, and dolomite (or agriculture lime) in equal proportions. I mix it into the soil at the time of setting the young seedlings or planting the seed. It has never failed me yet! My corn is the biggest in the county and my vegetables are award-winning."

Gardeners who don't use chemical fertilizers practice crop rotation--a common technique to lessen the amount of fertilizer needed. This will help to prevent depletion of nutrients specific to individual species of plants by rotating vegetable beds or rows. As an example, organic gardeners will plant carrots in a specific row one year and plant a different vegetable in that spot the next season. Since different plants require different amounts of key nutrients, the soil will not be depleted and less organic fertilizer is needed.

Seed Selection

Depending on your definition of "organic," you may choose to purchase seeds from a universal standard seed catalog or from an organic seed farm. The differences vary from multi-generational hybrids and genetically engineered plants/seeds on one end of the spectrum to heritage or heirloom seeds on the other.

Purists on the organic side religiously purchase only heirloom seeds because these seeds have had little change over decades, sometimes even centuries. Pure high-protein bean seeds used by the Anazasi have managed to survive in tact these past centuries and have been handed down generation to generation for hundreds of years. Heritage farms have kept the purity of the bean and offer the seeds by catalog purchase. The same is true of a bean variety that the Pilgrims brought over on the Mayflower. The catalogs usually boast seventy-five to one hundred different plant seeds, sometimes with very interesting histories.

Heirloom seed catalogs are available via the internet, but it is more fun to collect the seeds or catalogs from other organic gardeners or heritage seed club members. Once seed has been acquired, it is necessary to learn how to harvest and store the seed properly to maintain quality control for the next season and to protect the purity of the heirloom seed. While it is interesting to think of an entire garden of only heirloom plants, gardeners may find themselves disappointed with the final product. Without the science of hybridizing, some historic products may be small or not as tasty.

Winifred Meidinger, a 90-year old gardener, collects her heirloom seeds each year for the following season's planting. She especially loves her tomatoes and zucchini that have been handed down generation to generation for the last one hundred years. Ms. Meidinger enjoys the taste and texture of her produce and has a sense of pride in knowing she is one of the few gardeners holding to the heirloom philosophy. Many find it fascinating to keep in touch with the past by using the same seeds the pioneers used--unadulterated by modern science.

Heirloom seeds are absolutely organic, but not all organic seeds are "heirloom." Organic seeds are not genetically engineered and are not chemically treated prior to purchase. Most organic farmers purchase mainly from organic seed catalogs. But they will also buy seed from standard catalogs if it is the best way to get the desired taste or texture of a particular fruit.

Standard seeds, from the store and most catalogs, are frequently powdered with chemicals to prevent mold or fungus growth and to ward off deterioration in the soil before germination. While there are organic methods to do the same precautionary measures without chemicals, few gardeners know the techniques to protect the seeds. These methods should be researched in organic farming books and magazines. Such approaches include planting in paper towels, or how to properly collect and dry seeds.

Bruised Knuckles

The benefits of organic gardening far out-weigh the work load. But the amount of time down in the dirt is far greater than standard chemical gardening. It requires time picking bugs off of plants, time placing jars of natural attractants and boards on moist ground to trick insects into captivity, time working manure and teas into the soil--all of this instead of the easy chemical fix. The advantage is health from chemical-free produce for you and your family, as well as physical and spiritual balance from the daily physical exercise required to nurture your garden.

In years past the knowledge of organic gardening was handed down from generation to generation, as well as a basketful of tricks to make the job easier. Today, it is a risk for good produce the first season or two if you are a beginning organic farmer -- unless a mentor is nearby to offer helpful hints. However, there are hundreds of books, articles, and internet resources to help the new gardener become successful. Even that takes time, though.

Organic farming is a noble pursuit that requires perseverance. This resolve will remind you of your ancestors and your past each time you pick up a handful of composted soil or preserve an heirloom seed. It will keep you looking to the future -- jumping over and around your present day problems -- to the seeds that you will purchase, the produce that will be picked, the new recipes and uses you will concoct. For that you won't mind a few scrapes, an aching back, or bruised knuckles. It will all be worth it because philosophically, it is where you want to be.

David Beart is the owner of [] . Our site covers family issues such as gardening [], children, teenagers, marriage, forums and relationships.

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